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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, G, M and S

ACROMEGALICSacromegalics n. Plural of acromegalic.
ACROMEGALIC n. one suffering from acromegaly.
CHIMICHANGASchimichangas n. Plural of chimichanga.
CHIMICHANGA n. (Spanish) a tortilla wrapped round a filling, as of meat, and deep fried.
CLEISTOGAMICcleistogamic adj. Alternative form of cleistogamous.
CLEISTOGAMIC adj. relating to cleistogamy, the production of small inconspicuous closed self-pollinating flowers additional to and often more fruitful than showier ones on the same plant, also CLEISTOGAMOUS.
COSMOGONICALcosmogonical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmogony.
COSMOGONICAL adj. relating to cosmogony, also COSMOGONAL, COSMOGONIC.
COSMOGRAPHICcosmographic adj. Of or pertaining to cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cosmography, also COSMOGRAPHICAL.
COSMOLOGICALcosmological adj. Of or pertaining to cosmology, or to the overall structure of the universe.
COSMOLOGICAL adj. relating to cosmology, also COSMOLOGIC.
GALACTOSEMICgalactosemic n. One who has galactosemia.
galactosemic adj. Having or relating to galactosemia.
GALACTOSEMIC adj. relating to galactosemia, the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSAEMIC.
GEOMECHANICSgeomechanics n. (Geology) The mechanics of rocks and soil.
GEOMECHANICS n. the study and application of rock and soil mechanics.
MEGACHURCHESmegachurches n. Plural of megachurch.
mega-churches n. Plural of mega-church.
MEGACHURCH n. a church, usually Protestant, with a very large congregation, typically housed in a complex offering sophisticated multimedia presentations and a range of secular facilities and services.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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