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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, F, N and O

CALEFACTIONScalefactions n. Plural of calefaction.
CALEFACTION n. the act of heating.
CITIFICATIONcitification n. The process of making something urban.
CITIFICATION n. the act of citifying, also CITYFICATION.
CITYFICATIONcityfication n. (Rare) Alternative form of citification.
CITYFICATION n. the act of cityfying, also CITIFICATION.
CODIFICATIONcodification n. The process of precisely formulating a statement, such as a code of laws.
codification n. The act or result of arranging something into a code; the act of setting down a body of knowledge in a systematic way.
CODIFICATION n. the act of codifying.
CONFISCATINGconfiscating v. Present participle of confiscate.
CONFISCATE v. to seize as forfeited to the public treasury.
CONFISCATIONconfiscation n. The act or process of confiscating.
CONFISCATION n. the act of confiscating.
CONFISCATORSconfiscators n. Plural of confiscator.
CONFISCATOR n. one who confiscates.
CONFISCATORYconfiscatory adj. Using confiscation.
CONFISCATORY adj. serving to confiscate.
CONFORMANCESconformances n. Plural of conformance.
CONFORMANCE n. the act of conforming.
COSURFACTANTcosurfactant n. A surfactant acting in tandem with another surfactant to enhance its properties.
COSURFACTANT n. something that works in combination with a surfactant.
CRANIOFACIALcraniofacial adj. (Medicine) Pertaining to the cranium and face, as with craniofacial surgery.
CRANIOFACIAL adj. of, relating to, or involving both the cranium and the face.
DEFLOCCULANTdeflocculant n. A deflocculating agent.
DEFLOCCULANT n. an agent that deflocculates.
FLOCCULATINGflocculating v. Present participle of flocculate.
FLOCCULATE v. to collect or mass together in tufts or masses.
FLOCCULATIONflocculation n. A condition in which clays, polymers or other small charged particles become attached and form a fragile…
FLOCCULATION n. the act of flocculating.
MICROFINANCEmicrofinance n. (Finance) Finance that is provided to unemployed or low-income people or groups.
OLFACTRONICSolfactronics n. The design and use of machines to analyze smells.
OLFACTRONICS n. the precise measurement, analysis and detection of odours by means of electronic instruments.
PACIFICATIONpacification n. The process of pacifying.
PACIFICATION n. the act of pacifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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