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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, B, K, O and 2R

AEROBRAKINGSAEROBRAKING n. using a planet's atmosphere to reduce the speed of a spacecraft.
BACKGROUNDERbackgrounder n. (Chiefly US) A briefing or document typically provided prior to a meeting or other event that gives…
backgrounder n. A person employed to draw backgrounds for a comic or cartoon.
backgrounder n. A cattle farmer or rancher who runs a backgrounding operation.
BACKSTROKERSbackstrokers n. Plural of backstroker.
BOILERMAKERSboilermakers n. Plural of boilermaker.
BOILERMAKER n. a drink of whiskey followed by a beer chaser.
BREAKTHROUGHbreakthrough adj. Characterized by major progress or overcoming some obstacle.
breakthrough adj. (Immunology) Involving the contraction of a disease by a person with a decreased susceptibility, such…
breakthrough adj. (Medicine) The emergence or one or more symptoms of a condition despite medication or other medical treatment.
BREASTSTROKEbreaststroke n. A swimming stroke in which the swimmer lies face down, the arms being swept forward, outward and back…
breaststroke v. To swim using this stroke.
BREASTSTROKE n. a swimming-stroke performed breast-down, with circling movements of the arms and a froglike movement of the legs.
CHECKERBOARDcheckerboard n. A pattern of squares of alternating colours.
checkerboard n. A board, usually square, covered with such a pattern; especially such a board with 8×8 squares, used…
checkerboard n. (Film) A style of negative cutting that avoids visible splice marks.
CODEBREAKERScodebreakers n. Plural of codebreaker.
CODEBREAKER n. one who job it is to break codes.
HALTERBROKENhalterbroken v. Past participle of halterbreak.
HALTERBREAK v. to break (as a colt) to a halter.
HOUSEBREAKERhousebreaker n. A criminal who breaks into and enters another’s house or premises with the intent of committing a crime.
house-breaker n. Alternative form of housebreaker.
house␣breaker n. Alternative form of housebreaker.
REKEYBOARDEDrekeyboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of rekeyboard.
REKEYBOARD v. to enter again on a keyboard.
SCRAPBOOKERSscrapbookers n. Plural of scrapbooker.
SHOPBREAKERSshopbreakers n. Plural of shopbreaker.
SHOPBREAKER n. a person who breaks into a shop.
SKATEBOARDERskateboarder n. A person who rides a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDER n. one who skateboards.
SKIMBOARDERSskimboarders n. Plural of skimboarder.
SKIMBOARDER n. one who uses a skimboard, a type of surfboard.
STONEBREAKERstonebreaker n. A machine for crushing or hammering stone.
STONEBREAKER n. a person that breaks up stone; a machine used to break up stone.
TROUBLEMAKERtroublemaker n. One who causes trouble, especially one who does so deliberately.
troublemaker n. A complainer.
trouble-maker n. Alternative spelling of troublemaker.
WAKEBOARDERSwakeboarders n. Plural of wakeboarder.
WAKEBOARDER n. one who practises wakeboarding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 117 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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