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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, B, I, L and 2P

APPROPRIABLEappropriable adj. (Law) Able to be appropriated.
APPROPRIABLE adj. capable of being appropriated.
BACKFLIPPINGbackflipping v. Present participle of backflip.
BACKFLIPPING n. the act of performing a reverse somersault.
BACKSLAPPINGbackslapping v. Present participle of backslap.
backslapping n. Action of the verb to backslap.
back-slapping n. Alternative spelling of backslapping.
BIPROPELLANTbipropellant n. A propellant composed of two components (typically a fuel and an oxidizer) that react together in the…
BIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of fuel and oxidizer stored separately until ignition.
BLACKTOPPINGblacktopping v. Present participle of blacktop.
black-topping v. Present participle of black-top.
black␣topping v. Present participle of black top.
EPHEBOPHILIAephebophilia n. A sexual preference for adolescent boys.
ephebophilia n. Primary adult sexual attraction towards late pubescent or postpubescent adolescents.
EPHEBOPHILIA n. sexual desire for youths or adolescents.
EXPROPRIABLEexpropriable adj. Capable of being expropriated, or seized for public use.
EXPROPRIABLE adj. that can be expropriated.
INAPPEASABLEinappeasable adj. That cannot be appeased.
INAPPEASABLE adj. not capable of being appeased, also UNAPPEASABLE.
INAPPELLABLEinappellable adj. That cannot be appealed against.
INAPPELLABLE adj. incapable of being appealed against or challenged.
INAPPLICABLEinapplicable adj. Not applicable; that does not apply or cannot be applied; unsuitable or irrelevant.
INAPPLICABLE adj. not applicable.
INAPPLICABLYinapplicably adv. In an inapplicable manner.
INAPPLICABLE adv. not applicable.
OPPOSABILITYopposability n. The condition or quality of being opposable (capable of being placed opposite to something else).
opposability n. The condition or quality of being opposable (capable of being resisted).
OPPOSABILITY n. the state of being opposable.
PALPEBRATINGPALPEBRATE v. to wink or blink repeatedly.
PARABLEPSIESPARABLEPSY n. false vision; oversight, also PARABLEPSIS.
PARTICIPABLEparticipable adj. Capable of being participated in or shared.
PARTICIPABLE adj. capable of being participated in or shared.
PRECIPITABLEprecipitable adj. Able to form a precipitate.
PRECIPITABLE adj. capable of being precipitated.
PROPHESIABLEprophesiable adj. Capable of being prophesied.
PROPHESIABLE adj. that can prophesied.
PUPILABILITYPUPILABILITY n. an intentionally unintelligible word in Sterne's Tristram Shandy.
SUBPRINCIPALsubprincipal adj. (Mathematics).
subprincipal n. A subordinate principal; vice-principal.
SUBPRINCIPAL n. an assistant principal, as of a school.
UNAPPLICABLEunapplicable adj. Not applicable.
UNAPPLICABLE adj. not applicable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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