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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, B, E, G, M and U

ALBUMENISINGalbumenising v. Present participle of albumenise.
ALBUMENISE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
ALBUMENIZINGalbumenizing v. Present participle of albumenize.
ALBUMENIZE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
BEAUMONTAGESBEAUMONTAGE n. a composition for hiding cracks and holes in wood or iron, varying in makeup, also BEAUMONTAGUE.
BEAUMONTAGUEbeaumontague n. A cement used in making joints, filling cracks, etc. For iron, the principal constituents are iron borings…
BEAUMONTAGUE n. a composition for hiding cracks and holes in wood or iron, also BEAUMONTAGE.
BECLAMOURINGbeclamouring v. Present participle of beclamour.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
BEGLAMOURINGbeglamouring v. Present participle of beglamour.
BEGLAMOUR v. to impress with glamour, also BEGLAMOR.
BURGOMASTERSburgomasters n. Plural of burgomaster.
BURGOMASTER n. (Dutch) the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town.
DISAMBIGUATEdisambiguate v. To remove ambiguities from; to make less ambiguous; to clarify or specify which of multiple possibilities…
disambiguate v. (Linguistics) To distinguish one word or lexical unit (from a different one which has a similar form).
DISAMBIGUATE v. to establish a single grammatical interpretation.
DRUMBEATINGSdrumbeatings n. Plural of drumbeating.
DRUMBEATING n. the beating of a drum.
GUBERNACULUMgubernaculum n. A part or structure that serves as a guide…
GUBERNACULUM n. in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
SEMIGLOBULARsemiglobular adj. Roughly having the shape of half a sphere.
SEMIGLOBULAR adj. being in the form of a half globe.
SUBFRAGMENTSsubfragments n. Plural of subfragment.
UMBRAGEOUSLYumbrageously adv. In an umbrageous manner.
UMBRAGEOUS adv. shady.
UNIMAGINABLEunimaginable adj. Unable to be imagined; inconceivable or mind-boggling; beyond belief.
UNIMAGINABLE adj. not imaginable or comprehensible.
UNIMPUGNABLEunimpugnable adj. That cannot be impugned; beyond reproach or attack.
UNIMPUGNABLE adj. not impugnable.
UNMANAGEABLEunmanageable adj. Not manageable; not readily submitting to handling or management; not easily restrained, governed, or directed.
UNMANAGEABLE adj. not capable of being managed.
UNMANAGEABLYunmanageably adv. In an unmanageable manner; uncontrollably.
UNMANAGEABLE adv. not capable of being managed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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