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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, B, C, G, H and R

AGORAPHOBICSagoraphobics n. Plural of agoraphobic.
AGORAPHOBIC n. one with a morbid fear of open spaces.
BACKDRAUGHTSbackdraughts n. Plural of backdraught.
BACKDRAUGHT n. a reverse movement of air, also BACKDRAFT.
BACKSTRAIGHTbackstraight n. Alternative form of back straight (“backstretch”).
back␣straight n. (Athletics, horse racing) The straight part of a racetrack, running track, etc., opposite the finishing…
BATHYGRAPHICbathygraphic adj. Relating to bathygraphy.
BATHYGRAPHIC adj. of or relating to the depths of the ocean, also BATHYGRAPHICAL.
BENCHMARKINGbenchmarking v. Present participle of benchmark.
benchmarking n. A performance measurement according to a benchmark.
BENCHMARKING n. the process of testing by a benchmark.
BIOGRAPHICALbiographical adj. Of or relating to an account of a person’s life.
BIOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to biography, also BIOGRAPHIC.
BIRDWATCHINGbirdwatching n. Observing or identifying wild birds in their natural environment.
birdwatching n. (Slang) The hobby of watching rocket launches.
bird␣watching n. Alternative spelling of birdwatching.
BRACHYGRAPHYbrachygraphy n. (Obsolete) A system of writing using abbreviations or special characters; shorthand.
BRACHYGRAPHY n. certain old systems of shorthand.
BRACHYLOGIESBRACHYLOGY n. brevity of diction, abbreviated or condensed expression.
BRACHYLOGOUSBRACHYLOGOUS adj. condensed in expression.
BUNCHGRASSESbunchgrasses n. Plural of bunchgrass.
BUNCHGRASS n. a kind of West American grass, that grows in clumps.
CHARBROILINGcharbroiling v. Present participle of charbroil.
CHARBROIL v. to broil over charcoal.
CHILDBEARINGchildbearing n. The process of giving birth; pregnancy and parturition.
childbearing adj. Of, pertaining to, or suitable for childbirth.
child-bearing adj. (With "years" or "age") Pertaining to the time between puberty and menopause when a woman is able to bear children.
DISBRANCHINGdisbranching v. Present participle of disbranch.
DISBRANCH v. to divest of a branch or branches.
RECHARGEABLErechargeable adj. Able to be recharged, especially of a battery that can be recharged from mains electricity via a charger.
rechargeable n. A device that may be recharged.
RECHARGEABLE adj. capable of being recharged.
TURBOCHARGEDturbocharged adj. Having a turbocharger.
turbocharged v. Simple past tense and past participle of turbocharge.
TURBOCHARGED adj. equipped with a turbocharger.
TURBOCHARGERturbocharger n. Inlet air compressor for an internal combustion engine (either Otto or Diesel cycle), powered from the exhaust air.
TURBOCHARGER n. a centrifugal blower driven by exhaust gas turbines and used to supercharge an engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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