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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2A, N, 2P and U

APPENDICULARappendicular adj. Of or pertaining to a limb or appendage.
appendicular adj. Of or pertaining to the appendix.
APPENDICULAR adj. of or relating to an appendage and esp. a limb.
APPLAUDINGLYapplaudingly adv. In an applauding manner.
APPLAUDING adv. APPLAUD, to express approval by clapping the hands.
APPURTENANCEappurtenance n. That which appertains; an appendage to something else; an addition.
appurtenance n. (In the plural) Equipment used for some specific task; gear.
appurtenance n. (Law) A subordinate interest in land which benefits a principal estate, which cannot be detached from…
APPURTENANTSappurtenants n. Plural of appurtenant.
APPURTENANT n. a right accompanying a property.
PANTOPHAGOUSpantophagous adj. Eating all kinds of food.
PANTOPHAGOUS adj. eating or requiring a variety of foods.
PARANTHROPUSParanthropus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hominidae – a group of extinct bipedal hominids, the robust australopithecines.
PARANTHROPUS n. an Olduvai anthropoid ape.
POPULATIONALpopulational adj. Of or pertaining to population.
POPULATIONAL adj. relating to population.
UNAPPARELLEDunapparelled adj. Naked, unclothed.
UNAPPAREL v. to divest of clothing; to strip.
UNAPPEALABLEunappealable adj. (Law, of a verdict etc) Not appealable; that may not be appealed, or sent to a higher court for a second judgement.
UNAPPEALABLE adj. not appealable.
UNAPPEALABLYunappealably adv. Against which no appeal is possible.
UNAPPEALABLE adv. not appealable.
UNAPPEASABLEunappeasable adj. Not able to be appeased or satisfied.
UNAPPEASABLE adj. not to be appeased, also INAPPEASABLE.
UNAPPEASABLYunappeasably adv. In a way that cannot be appeased.
UNAPPEASABLE adv. not to be appeased, also INAPPEASABLE.
UNAPPLAUSIVEunapplausive adj. Not applauding; unappreciative.
UNAPPLAUSIVE adj. not applausive.
UNAPPLICABLEunapplicable adj. Not applicable.
UNAPPLICABLE adj. not applicable.
UNAPPROACHEDunapproached adj. Not approached.
UNAPPROACHED adj. not approached.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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