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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2A, M, S, T and X

ALEXITHYMIASALEXITHYMIA n. an inability to recognize, understand, and describe emotions.
ANTICLIMAXESanticlimaxes n. Plural of anticlimax.
anti-climaxes n. Plural of anti-climax.
ANTICLIMAX n. the usually sudden transition in discourse from a significant idea to a trivial or ludicrous idea.
APPROXIMATESapproximates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of approximate.
APPROXIMATE v. to come close to.
AUTOTOXEMIASautotoxemias n. Plural of autotoxemia.
AUTOTOXEMIA n. self-poisoning caused by absorption of toxic products originating within the body, also AUTOTOXAEMIA.
AUXANOMETERSauxanometers n. Plural of auxanometer.
AUXANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring growth of plants.
AXIOMATISINGaxiomatising v. Present participle of axiomatise.
AXIOMATISE v. to make axiomatic, also AXIOMATIZE.
EXAMINATIONSexaminations n. Plural of examination.
EXAMINATION n. the act of examining.
EXCLAMATIONSexclamations n. Plural of exclamation.
EXCLAMATION n. a sharp or sudden utterance.
EXCLAMATIVESEXCLAMATIVE n. a word or sentence that denotes an exclamation.
EXPATRIATISMexpatriatism n. The condition of being an expatriate, especially a deliberate one.
EXPATRIATISM n. the state of being an expatriate.
EXTRAMUSICALextramusical adj. Apart from and in addition to music.
EXTRAMUSICAL adj. lying outside the province of music.
MAXIMISATIONmaximisation n. Alternative spelling of maximization.
MAXIMISATION n. the act of maximising, also MAXIMATION, MAXIMIZATION.
METAGALAXIESmetagalaxies n. Plural of metagalaxy.
METAGALAXY n. the whole universe considered as a system of galaxies; any system of galaxies.
METATHORAXESmetathoraxes n. Plural of metathorax.
METATHORAX n. the last or posterior segment of the thorax in insects.
TOXICOMANIAStoxicomanias n. Plural of toxicomania.
TOXICOMANIA n. a morbid craving for poisons.
XANTHOMATOUSxanthomatous adj. Of or relating to xanthoma or xanthomatosis.
XANTHOMATOUS adj. of or like a xanthoma, a skin disease marked by the development or irregular yellowish patches upon the skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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