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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, M, N, R and Z

AMORTIZATIONamortization n. The reduction of loan principal over a series of payments.
amortization n. The distribution of the cost of an intangible asset, such as an intellectual property right, over the…
AMORTIZATION n. the act of amortising, also AMORTISATION.
CARAMELIZINGcaramelizing v. Present participle of caramelize.
CARAMELIZE v. to turn into caramel, also CARAMELISE.
ESTRAMAZONESESTRAMAZONE n. (obsolete) a downward cut in fencing, also STRAMACON, STRAMAZON.
HARMONIZABLEharmonizable adj. That can be harmonized.
HARMONIZABLE adj. capable of being harmonized, also HARMONISABLE.
KATZENJAMMERkatzenjammer n. A hangover.
katzenjammer n. Jitters; discord; confusion.
katzenjammer n. Depression.
LAMINARIZINGlaminarizing v. Present participle of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
MADERIZATIONmaderization n. (Wine) oxidation.
MADERIZATION n. the act of maderizing, also MADERISATION.
MARGINALIZEDmarginalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of marginalize.
marginalized adj. Subject to marginalization.
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
MARGINALIZESmarginalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marginalize.
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
MARZIPANNINGmarzipanning v. Present participle of marzipan.
MARZIPAN v. to cover with marzipan.
MORALIZATIONmoralization n. The act of moralizing.
moralization n. Moral reform.
MORALIZATION n. the act of moralizing, also MORALISATION.
NORMALIZABLEnormalizable adj. That can be normalized.
NORMALIZABLE adj. capable of being normalized, also NORMALISABLE.
PRAGMATIZINGpragmatizing v. Present participle of pragmatize.
PRAGMATISE v. to interpret; to represent as real, also PRAGMATIZE.
RACEMIZATIONracemization n. (Chemistry) The formation of a racemate from a pure enantiomer.
RACEMIZATION n. a change into a racemic form, also RACEMISATION.
ROMANIZATIONromanization n. Alternative letter-case form of Romanization.
Romanization n. (Usually uncountable) The act or process of putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet, by means such…
Romanization n. (Countable) An instance (a string) of text transliterated or transcribed from another alphabet into…
SPERMATOZOANspermatozoan adj. Of or pertaining to spermatozoa.
spermatozoan n. A spermatozoon.
SPERMATOZOAN n. a male sex cell, also SPERMATOZOON.
TRAUMATIZINGtraumatizing v. Present participle of traumatize.
TRAUMATIZE v. to inflict a trauma upon, also TRAUMATISE.
UNDRAMATIZEDundramatized adj. Not dramatized.
UNDRAMATIZED adj. not dramatized, also UNDRAMATISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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