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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, I, N and Q

ACQUITTANCEDacquittanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of acquittance.
ACQUITTANCE v. (Shakespeare) to acquit or clear.
DAMASQUININGdamasquining v. Present participle of damasquin.
DAMASQUIN v. to decorate or engrave metal with wavy lines and patterns, also DAMASCEENE, DAMASCENE, DAMASKEEN, DAMASKIN.
DESQUAMATINGdesquamating v. Present participle of desquamate.
DESQUAMATE v. to scale or flake off.
DESQUAMATIONdesquamation n. (Medicine) The shedding of the outer layers of the skin.
DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged.
EQUIBALANCEDequibalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of equibalance.
EQUIBALANCE v. to balance equally.
HARLEQUINADEharlequinade n. A pantomime-like comedy featuring the harlequin or clown.
harlequinade n. Any comical or fantastical procedure or playfulness.
HARLEQUINADE n. (French) part of a pantomime in which a harlequin plays a chief part.
INADEQUACIESinadequacies n. Plural of inadequacy.
INADEQUACY n. the state of being inadequate.
INADEQUATELYinadequately adv. In an inadequate manner.
INADEQUATE adv. not adequate.
MASQUERADINGmasquerading v. Present participle of masquerade.
masquerading n. The act of one who masquerades.
MASQUERADE v. to disguise oneself.
PASQUINADERSpasquinaders n. Plural of pasquinader.
PASQUINADER n. one who composes pasquinades.
PASQUINADINGpasquinading v. Present participle of pasquinade.
PASQUINADE v. to compose a pasquinade.
QUADRAPHONICquadraphonic adj. (Of a sound system) Employing four independent channels or speakers.
QUADRAPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, recording, or reproduction of sound, also QUADRIPHONIC, QUADROPHONIC.
QUADRASONICSQUADRASONICS n. a system of sound recording and reproduction that uses four independent loudspeakers to give directional sources of sound.
QUADRENNIALSquadrennials n. Plural of quadrennial.
QUADRENNIAL n. an event taking place every four years.
QUADRIENNIALquadriennial adj. Alternative form of quadrennial.
quadriennial n. Alternative form of quadrennial.
QUADRIENNIAL adj. taking place every four years.
QUADRINOMIALquadrinomial adj. Consisting of four names or parts or terms.
quadrinomial n. (Algebra) An expression consisting of four terms.
QUADRINOMIAL n. an expression of four terms.
QUADRIVALENTquadrivalent adj. (Chemistry) Having a valence of four.
quadrivalent adj. (Of a vaccine) Protecting against four different (usually flu) viruses.
quadrivalent adj. (Graph theory) Said of a graph: that all of its vertices have degree four.
REACQUAINTEDreacquainted v. Simple past tense and past participle of reacquaint.
REACQUAINT v. to acquaint again.
UNACQUAINTEDunacquainted adj. Not acquainted, unfamiliar (with someone or something).
unacquainted adj. (Obsolete) Not usual; unfamiliar; strange.
UNACQUAINTED adj. not acquainted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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