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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, S and 2U

ACCULTURATESacculturates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acculturate.
ACCULTURATE v. to undergo acculturation.
ACCUMULATORSaccumulators n. Plural of accumulator.
ACCUMULATOR n. a thing or person that accumulates.
AMPULLACEOUSampullaceous adj. Shaped like a swollen bottle.
AMPULLACEOUS adj. of or like an ampulla, also AMPULLACEAL.
AQUACULTURESaquacultures n. Plural of aquaculture.
AQUACULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUICULTURE.
AUSCULTATINGauscultating v. Present participle of auscultate.
AUSCULTATE v. to listen to the sounds made by internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.) to aid in a medical diagnosis.
AUSCULTATIONauscultation n. (Medicine) Diagnosis of disorders by listening to the sounds of the internal organs, usually using a stethoscope.
AUSCULTATION n. the act of listening, esp. the act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders.
AUSCULTATIVEauscultative adj. Relating to auscultation.
AUSCULTATIVE adj. related to auscultation, also AUSCULTATORY.
AUSCULTATORSauscultators n. Plural of auscultator.
AUSCULTATOR n. a person practising auscultation.
AUSCULTATORYauscultatory adj. Of or pertaining to auscultation.
AUSCULTATORY adj. relating to auscultation, also AUSCULTATIVE.
GLAUCOMATOUSglaucomatous adj. Having the nature of glaucoma.
GLAUCOMATOUS adj. affected by glaucoma.
MANUFACTURESmanufactures n. Plural of manufacture.
manufactures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manufacture.
MANUFACTURE v. to make into a product suitable for use.
SUBARCUATIONSUBARCUATION n. the state of being subarcuate, somewhat arched.
SUBAURICULARsubauricular adj. Beneath the ear.
SUBAURICULAR adj. below the ear.
SUBSCAPULARSsubscapulars n. Plural of subscapular.
SUBSCAPULAR n. a subscapular vessel or nerve.
SUPERNACULARsupernacular adj. (Obsolete, humorous, of alcoholic drink) Of outstanding quality; that one would wish to drink to the last drop.
SUPERNACULAR adj. very good; first rate.
SUPRACRUSTALSUPRACRUSTAL adj. of rocks, on or near the surface, above the earth's crust.
SUSTENTACULAsustentacula n. Plural of sustentaculum.
SUSTENTACULUM n. a supporting part or structure.
ULTRAVACUUMSultravacuums n. Plural of ultravacuum.
ULTRAVACUUM n. an extreme vacuum.
UTRICULARIASUTRICULARIA n. any plant of the bladderwort genus Utricularia.
VASCULATURESvasculatures n. Plural of vasculature.
VASCULATURE n. the arrangement of blood vessels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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