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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, E, O and X

AXINOMANCIESAXINOMANCY n. divination using an axe or hatchet.
CARBOXYLASEScarboxylases n. Plural of carboxylase.
CARBOXYLASE n. an enzyme that catalyzes decarboxylation or carboxylation.
CARBOXYLATEDcarboxylated v. Simple past tense and past participle of carboxylate.
carboxylated adj. (Chemistry) Converted into a carboxylic acid, normally by the oxidation of an alcohol or aldehyde.
CARBOXYLATE v. to introduce carboxyl or carbon dioxide into (a compound) with formation of a carboxylic acid.
CARBOXYLATEScarboxylates n. Plural of carboxylate.
CARBOXYLATE v. to introduce carboxyl or carbon dioxide into (a compound) with formation of a carboxylic acid.
CONTRASEXUALcontrasexual adj. (Jungian psychology, of part of the psyche) Having characteristics of the opposite gender.
CONTRASEXUAL n. one who represses the personality traits that most people repress because they are characteristic of the opposite sex.
DEXTROCARDIAdextrocardia n. (Medicine) A congenital abnormality in which the heart is transposed to the right side of the chest.
DEXTROCARDIA n. a condition in which the heart is on the right-hand side of the chest.
EXACERBATIONexacerbation n. An increase in the severity of something (such as a disease).
EXACERBATION n. the act of exarcebating.
EXCARNATIONSexcarnations n. Plural of excarnation.
EXCARNATION n. the act of excarnating, removing the flesh from.
EXCAVATIONALexcavational adj. Relating to excavation.
EXCAVATIONAL adj. relating to excavation.
EXCLAMATIONSexclamations n. Plural of exclamation.
EXCLAMATION n. a sharp or sudden utterance.
EXOPARASITICEXOPARASITIC adj. of or like an exoparasite.
EXTRALOGICALextralogical adj. Outside of the domain of logic.
EXTRALOGICAL adj. not guided or determined by considerations of logic.
HAEMATOXYLICHAEMATOXYLIC adj. of or like haematoxylin.
HEXACOSANOIChexacosanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexacosanoic acid or its derivatives; cerotic.
HEXACOSANOIC adj. as in hexacosanoic acid.
HEXADECANOIChexadecanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexadecanoic acid or its derivatives.
HEXADECANOIC adj. as in hexadecanoic acid, a fatty acid, aka palmitic acid.
OXALACETATESoxalacetates n. Plural of oxalacetate.
OXALACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALOACETATE.
OXALOACETATEoxaloacetate n. (Organic chemistry) any salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid.
OXALOACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALACETATE.
TOXOCARIASESTOXOCARIASIS n. a disease caused by parasitic worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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