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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, L, N and Z

BANALIZATIONbanalization n. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of banalisation.
BANALIZATION n. the act of making banal, also BANALISATION.
CANNIBALIZEDcannibalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of cannibalize.
CANNIBALIZE v. to take salvageable parts from (as a disabled machine) for use in building or repairing another machine, also CANNIBALISE.
CANNIBALIZEScannibalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cannibalize.
CANNIBALIZE v. to take salvageable parts from (as a disabled machine) for use in building or repairing another machine, also CANNIBALISE.
CATABOLIZINGcatabolizing v. Present participle of catabolize.
CATABOLIZE v. to subject to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLISE.
HARMONIZABLEharmonizable adj. That can be harmonized.
HARMONIZABLE adj. capable of being harmonized, also HARMONISABLE.
MAGNETIZABLEmagnetizable adj. Able to be magnetized.
MAGNETIZABLE adj. capable of being magnetized, also MAGNETISABLE.
MECHANIZABLEmechanizable adj. Capable of being mechanized.
MECHANIZABLE adj. capable of being mechanized, also MECHANISABLE.
NORMALIZABLEnormalizable adj. That can be normalized.
NORMALIZABLE adj. capable of being normalized, also NORMALISABLE.
PARABOLIZINGparabolizing v. Present participle of parabolize.
PARABOLIZE v. to set forth by parable; to treat as a parable, also PARABOLISE.
TABULARIZINGtabularizing v. Present participle of tabularize.
TABULARIZE v. to tabulate, also TABULARISE.
TRAILBLAZINGtrailblazing adj. Resembling a trailblazer; innovative or pioneering.
trailblazing v. Present participle of trailblaze.
trail-blazing adj. Alternative spelling of trailblazing.
UNANALYZABLEunanalyzable adj. Alternative spelling of unanalysable.
UNANALYZABLE adj. not analyzable, also UNANALYSABLE.
UNCAPSIZABLEuncapsizable adj. Not capsizable.
UNCAPSIZABLE adj. not capsizable.
UNREALIZABLEunrealizable adj. Not realizable; unable to be achieved or realized.
UNREALIZABLE adj. not realizable, also UNREALISABLE.
VULCANIZABLEvulcanizable adj. Capable of being vulcanized.
VULCANIZABLE adj. that can be vulcanized, also VULCANISABLE.
ZALAMBDODONTzalambdodont adj. (Zoology) Having teeth with two ridges that meet at an angle, forming the letter lambda.
zalambdodont n. A creature with teeth of this kind.
ZALAMBDODONT adj. having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges, as some Insectivora do.
ZALCITABINESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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