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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, C, H and Y

ARCHEOBOTANYarcheobotany n. Alternative form of archaeobotany.
ARCHEOBOTANY n. the analysis and interpretation of plant remains found at archaeological sites, also ARCHAEOBOTANY.
BACKHANDEDLYbackhandedly adv. In a backhanded manner.
back-handedly adv. Alternative form of backhandedly.
BACKHANDED adv. BACKHAND, to strike with the back of the hand.
BATHETICALLYbathetically adv. In a bathetic manner.
BATHETIC adv. characterized by triteness or sentimentalism.
BATHYGRAPHICbathygraphic adj. Relating to bathygraphy.
BATHYGRAPHIC adj. of or relating to the depths of the ocean, also BATHYGRAPHICAL.
BATHYPELAGICbathypelagic adj. (Oceanography) Of or pertaining to the parts of the oceans at depths between 1000 and 4000 meters deep.
BATHYPELAGIC adj. found in the depths of the sea, down to 4000 metres below sea level.
BATHYSCAPHESbathyscaphes n. Plural of bathyscaphe.
BATHYSCAPHE n. a submersible observation chamber, also BATHYSCAPH.
BRACHYCEPHALBRACHYCEPHAL n. a short-headed person.
BRACHYDACTYLBRACHYDACTYL adj. having abnormally short fingers and toes, also BRACHYDACTYLIC.
BRACHYGRAPHYbrachygraphy n. (Obsolete) A system of writing using abbreviations or special characters; shorthand.
BRACHYGRAPHY n. certain old systems of shorthand.
CARBOHYDRASEcarbohydrase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of polysaccharides into simple sugars.
CARBOHYDRASE n. any of a group of enzymes (as amylase) that promote hydrolysis or synthesis of a carbohydrate (as a disaccharide).
CARBOHYDRATEcarbohydrate n. (Organic chemistry, nutrition) A sugar, starch, or cellulose that is a food source of energy for an animal or plant.
carbohydrate n. (Colloquial, by extension, metonymically) Any food rich in starch or other carbohydrates.
CARBOHYDRATE n. a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; extended to similar compounds, the sugars and starches which form the main source of energy in food.
EXCHANGEABLYexchangeably adv. By way of exchange.
EXCHANGEABLE adv. capable of being exchanged.
HATCHABILITYhatchability n. (Of an egg) The state of being likely to hatch; a measure of that ability.
hatchability n. (Of a bird etc) The state of being able to produce hatchable eggs; a measure of that ability.
HATCHABILITY n. the capacity for being hatched.
LEACHABILITYleachability n. The quality or degree of being leachable.
LEACHABILITY n. the state of being leachable.
REPROACHABLYreproachably adv. In a reproachable manner.
REPROACHABLE adv. worthy of reproach.
TEACHABILITYteachability n. The state or condition of being teachable.
TEACHABILITY n. the quality of being teachable.
UNCHANGEABLYunchangeably adv. In a way that cannot be varied, or changed.
UNCHANGEABLE adv. not changing or to be changed.
UNCHARITABLYuncharitably adv. In an uncharitable manner.
UNCHARITABLE adv. lacking in charity.
UNSEARCHABLYunsearchably adv. So as to preclude searching.
UNSEARCHABLE adv. not capable of being searched or explored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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