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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2B, I and S

ABBREVIATORSabbreviators n. Plural of abbreviator.
ABBREVIATOR n. one who abbreviates.
ABSORBANCIESabsorbancies n. Plural of absorbancy.
ABSORBANCY n. the state of being absorbent, also ABSORBENCY.
AMOBARBITALSamobarbitals n. Plural of amobarbital.
AMOBARBITAL n. a white crystalline powder used as a sedative.
ANTIBARBARUSantibarbarus n. A dictionary of linguistic barbarisms; a book describing how not to write in a given language.
ANTIBARBARUS n. a list of words and sayings to be avoided in the classical usage of a language.
BACKSTABBINGbackstabbing v. Present participle of backstab.
backstabbing n. The act of one who backstabs.
back-stabbing adj. Alternative spelling of backstabbing.
BARBARIANISMbarbarianism n. A primitive or simplistic ethos or societal condition; barbarism.
barbarianism n. Behaviour appropriate to a barbarian, that is uncivilized, brutal, or crude.
BARBARIANISM n. the state of being a barbarian.
BARBITURATESbarbiturates n. Plural of barbiturate.
BARBITURATE n. a sleeping drug.
BAREBACKINGSBAREBACKING n. the act of practising unprotected sex.
BAREBOATINGSSorry, definition not available.
BASHIBAZOUKSbashibazouks n. Plural of bashibazouk.
bashi-bazouks n. Plural of bashi-bazouk.
BASHIBAZOUK n. one of a group of irregular Turkish soldiers notorious for their brutality.
BATHOPHOBIASBATHOPHOBIA n. fear of falling from a high place.
BEADBLASTINGBEADBLAST v. to clean with such a jet.
BEARBAITINGSbearbaitings n. Plural of bearbaiting.
bear-baitings n. Plural of bear-baiting.
bear␣baitings n. Plural of bear baiting.
BIBLIOMANIASbibliomanias n. Plural of bibliomania.
BIBLIOMANIA n. a craze for books or reading.
BICARBONATESbicarbonates n. Plural of bicarbonate.
BICARBONATE n. an acid carbonate.
SECOBARBITALsecobarbital n. (Pharmacology) A barbiturate C12H18N2O3 that is used chiefly in the form of its bitter hygroscopic sodium…
SECOBARBITAL n. a barbiturate used chiefly as a hypnotic and sedative.
SUBABDOMINALsubabdominal adj. (Anatomy) Beneath the abdomen.
SUBABDOMINAL adj. relating to the lower abdomen.
SUBLIBRARIANsublibrarian n. An under or assistant librarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
THINGAMABOBSthingamabobs n. Plural of thingamabob.
THINGAMABOB n. a whatsit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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