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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 3A, B, M and R

AMBASSADRESSambassadress n. A female ambassador.
ambassadress n. The wife of an ambassador.
AMBASSADRESS n. a woman who is an ambassador.
AMOBARBITALSamobarbitals n. Plural of amobarbital.
AMOBARBITAL n. a white crystalline powder used as a sedative.
BACTERAEMIASbacteraemias n. Plural of bacteraemia.
BACTERAEMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTEREMIA.
BARBARIANISMbarbarianism n. A primitive or simplistic ethos or societal condition; barbarism.
barbarianism n. Behaviour appropriate to a barbarian, that is uncivilized, brutal, or crude.
BARBARIANISM n. the state of being a barbarian.
BAROTRAUMATABAROTRAUMA n. injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment.
DIAGRAMMABLEdiagrammable adj. Capable of being diagrammed.
DIAGRAMMABLE adj. capable of being diagrammed.
DRAMATISABLEdramatisable adj. Alternative form of dramatizable.
DRAMATISABLE adj. capable of being dramatised, also DRAMATIZABLE.
DRAMATIZABLEdramatizable adj. Capable of being dramatized.
DRAMATIZABLE adj. capable of being dramatized, also DRAMATISABLE.
IRAIMBILANJAiraimbilanja n. A currency unit of Madagascar, equal to one fifth of an ariary.
MARRIAGEABLEmarriageable adj. Suitable for marriage; nubile.
marriageable n. One who is suitable for marriage.
MARRIAGEABLE adj. fit for or capable of marriage.
MASSARANDUBAmassaranduba n. A tropical hardwood tree, Manilkara bidentata.
MASSARANDUBA n. (Tupi) the Brazilian milk-tree, also MACERANDUBA, MASSERANDUBA.
MASSERANDUBAmasseranduba n. Alternative form of massaranduba.
MASSERANDUBA n. (Tupi) the Brazilian milk-tree, also MACERANDUBA, MASSARANDUBA.
PARABAPTISMSPARABAPTISM n. uncanonical baptism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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