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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing 3A, B, I and U

ANTIBARBARUSantibarbarus n. A dictionary of linguistic barbarisms; a book describing how not to write in a given language.
ANTIBARBARUS n. a list of words and sayings to be avoided in the classical usage of a language.
SUBLAPSARIANsublapsarian n. (Christianity) An infralapsarian.
SUBLAPSARIAN n. a believer in sublapsarianism.
UNASSAILABLEunassailable adj. Secure against attack; impregnable.
unassailable adj. (By extension) Undeniable, incontestable or incontrovertible.
unassailable n. Something, such as a belief, that cannot be assailed.
UNASSAILABLYunassailably adv. In an unassailable manner.
UNASSAILABLE adv. not assailable.
UNATTAINABLEunattainable adj. Impossible to attain or reach; unable to accomplish.
unattainable n. Anything that cannot be attained.
UNATTAINABLE adj. not attainable.
UNATTAINABLYunattainably adv. In an unattainable way.
UNATTAINABLE adv. not attainable.
VIBRACULARIAvibracularia n. Plural of vibracularium.
VIBRACULARIUM n. a long bristle, a modified zooid, in some Polyzoa.
VOCABULARIANvocabularian n. One who cultivates a large vocabulary.
VOCABULARIAN n. a person much, or too much, concerned with words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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