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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 3A, B, C and E

ABECEDARIANSabecedarians n. Plural of abecedarian.
Abecedarians n. Plural of Abecedarian.
ABECEDARIAN n. one learning the alphabet; one learning the rudiments of something.
ABSTRACTABLEabstractable adj. Able to be abstracted; able to be made abstract.
ABSTRACTABLE adj. capable of being abstracted.
ACCLIMATABLEacclimatable adj. Capable of being acclimated.
ACCLIMATABLE adj. that can be acclimated.
ALPHABETICALalphabetical adj. Pertaining to, furnished with, or expressed by letters of the alphabet.
alphabetical adj. According to the sequence of the letters of the alphabet.
alphabetical adj. (Obsolete) literal.
AMBULANCEMANambulanceman n. A man who is a driver of an ambulance or a member of its crew.
AMBULANCEMAN n. one who operates an ambulance.
ANALPHABETICanalphabetic adj. (Not comparable) (of symbols) Not alphabetic.
analphabetic adj. (Comparable) (of a person) Illiterate, unable to read or write.
analphabetic n. An illiterate person.
APPROACHABLEapproachable adj. Easily approached; easy to talk to.
APPROACHABLE adj. capable of being approached.
BACCALAUREANbaccalaurean adj. Relating to a baccalaureate.
BACCALAUREAN adj. relating to a baccalaureate.
BACILLAEMIASBACILLAEMIA n. the presence of bacilli in the blood, also BACILLEMIA.
BACTERAEMIASbacteraemias n. Plural of bacteraemia.
BACTERAEMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTEREMIA.
CARRIAGEABLEcarriageable adj. Capable of being conveyed in carriages.
carriageable adj. Passable by carriages.
CARRIAGEABLE adj. that can be conveyed by carriage.
CELIBATARIANcelibatarian n. One who remains celibate.
CELIBATARIAN n. a person who lives in celibacy, advocating celibacy.
SCARABAEISTSSCARABAEIST n. a person who studies scarabaeid beetles.
SCARABAEOIDSscarabaeoids n. Plural of scarabaeoid.
SCARABAEOID n. any of various kinds of lamellicorn beetle, esp. Scarabaeus sacer (sacred scarab), regarded by the ancient Egyptians as divine.
SCARABAEUSESscarabaeuses n. Plural of scarabaeus.
SCARABAEUS n. a beetle of the Scarabaeus genus of lamellicorn beetles.
TABERNACULARtabernacular adj. Pertaining to a tabernacle.
tabernacular adj. Of the style or character of an architectural tabernacle; formed in latticework; latticed.
tabernacular adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to huts or tents; common; low.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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