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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 4A, N and T

ADAPTATIONALadaptational adj. Relating or pertaining to adaptation, or the adjustment of one thing to another; adaptive.
adaptational adj. (Biology) Applied to physiological or functional modifications of parts or organs, as distinguished…
ADAPTATIONAL adj. relating to adaptation.
AMALGAMATINGamalgamating v. Present participle of amalgamate.
AMALGAMATE v. to unite in or as if in an amalgam; esp. to merge into a single body.
AMALGAMATIONamalgamation n. The process of amalgamating; a mixture, merger or consolidation.
amalgamation n. The result of amalgamating; a mixture or alloy.
amalgamation n. (Obsolete) The intermarriage and interbreeding of different ethnicities or races.
ANACATHARSISanacatharsis n. (Medicine) vomiting or expectoration.
ANACATHARSIS n. vomiting.
ANACATHARTICanacathartic n. An expectorant or emetic medicine.
ANACATHARTIC n. a drug causing vomiting or expectoration.
ANAGRAMMATICanagrammatic adj. Being or relating to an anagram.
ANAGRAMMATIC adj. like an anagram, also ANAGRAMMATICAL.
ANAPAESTICALanapaestical adj. Anapestic.
ANAPAESTICAL adj. in the form of an anapaest, two short metrical syllables followed by one long one.
ANTIMACASSARantimacassar n. A cover for the back or arms of a chair or sofa, originally to prevent them from being soiled by macassar oil.
ANTIMACASSAR n. a cover to protect the back or arms of furniture.
ANTIMALARIALantimalarial n. An agent that prevents or counteracts malaria.
antimalarial adj. Preventing or counteracting malaria.
ANTIMALARIAL adj. effective against malaria, also ANTIMALARIA.
ARMAMENTARIAarmamentaria n. Plural of armamentarium.
ARMAMENTARIUM n. the collection of equipment and techniques available to one in a particular field, esp. in medicine.
EXTRAVAGANZAextravaganza n. An extravagant or eccentric piece of music, literature, or drama.
extravaganza n. An instance of fantastical, unrestrained, lavish, or chaotic behaviour or conduct.
EXTRAVAGANZA n. (Italian) a literary, musical, or dramatic composition of an extravagant or fanciful character.
PARATANIWHASPARATANIWHA n. (Maori) a New Zealand plant with pink and red serrated leaves.
RASTAFARIANSRastafarians n. Plural of Rastafarian.
RASTAFARIAN n. a member of rastafari, a West Indian cult which rejects western ideas and regards the Emperor Haile Selassie as divine.
TARANTARAINGTARANTARA v. to make the sound of a trumpet or horn.
TARATANTARAStaratantaras n. Plural of taratantara.
TARATANTARA v. to make the sound of a trumpet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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