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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, 2O and 3T

ANTIBOYCOTTantiboycott adj. Opposing or countering a boycott or boycotts.
ANTIBOYCOTT adj. opposed to boycott.
AUTOROTATEDautorotated v. Simple past tense and past participle of autorotate.
AUTOROTATE v. to self-turn.
AUTOROTATESautorotates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autorotate.
AUTOROTATE v. to self-turn.
COTTONTAILScottontails n. Plural of cottontail.
COTTONTAIL n. any of several species of rabbits of the genus Sylvilagus, the ordinary rabbit of the US.
OBTESTATIONobtestation n. (Archaic) The act of obtesting; supplication; protestation.
OBTESTATION n. the act of obtesting.
ORTHOSTATICorthostatic adj. Relating to orthostasis or orthostatism.
orthostatic adj. (Archaeology) Relating to an orthostat.
ORTHOSTATIC adj. pertaining to erect or standing position.
OSTENTATIONostentation n. Ambitious display; vain show; display intended to excite admiration or applause.
ostentation n. (Obsolete) A show or spectacle.
OSTENTATION n. excessive display.
OUTSTATIONSoutstations n. Plural of outstation.
OUTSTATION n. a remote or outlying station.
PHOTOSTATEDphotostated v. Simple past tense and past participle of photostat.
PHOTOSTAT v. to make facsimiles by this means.
PHOTOSTATICphotostatic adj. Relating to xerography.
photostatic adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to photostasis.
PHOTOSTATIC adj. of, made by, or using a photostat.
PHOTOTACTICphototactic adj. Of or relating to phototaxis.
PHOTOTACTIC adj. exhibiting phototaxis.
POTENTIATORpotentiator n. (Biology) A reagent that enhances sensitization of an antigen.
potentiator n. (Medicine) A drug that enhances the response to another.
potentiator n. A flavour enhancer.
TAUTOLOGISTtautologist n. One who makes tautologies.
TAUTOLOGIST n. one who uses tautology.
THROATWORTSthroatworts n. Plural of throatwort.
THROATWORT n. a plant formerly considered a remedy for sore throats because of its throat-shaped corolla.
TOOTHPASTEStoothpastes n. Plural of toothpaste.
TOOTHPASTE n. a paste for cleaning the teeth.
TOSTICATIONtostication n. (Archaic) fuddlement; perplexity.
TOSTICATION n. perplexity.
TOTALISATORtotalisator n. (UK) the computerised system which runs parimutuel betting, calculating payoff odds, displaying them…
TOTALISATOR n. an automatic betting machine, also TOTALIZATOR.
TOTALIZATORtotalizator n. (US) A computer-like machine, at a racecourse, that registers bets and distributes the total amount…
TOTALIZATOR n. an automatic betting machine, also TOTALISATOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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