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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, 2N, 2P and R

APPERTINENTappertinent n. (Obsolete) That which belongs to something else; an appurtenant.
appertinent adj. Belonging; appertaining; appurtenant.
APPERTINENT adj. appertaining.
APPURTENANTappurtenant adj. Of or pertaining to an appurtenance.
appurtenant adj. Ancillary or subsidiary.
appurtenant n. An appendage or attachment.
ENWRAPPINGSenwrappings n. Plural of enwrapping.
ENWRAPPING n. the act of wrapping.
INWRAPPINGSINWRAPPING n. the act of wrapping round.
PARAPENTINGparapenting n. Paragliding.
PARAPENTING n. a cross between hang-gliding and parachuting, a sport in which the participant jumps from a high place wearing a modified type of parachute, which is then used as a hang-glider.
PARAPLANNERparaplanner n. An assistant to a financial planner.
PARAPLANNER n. a person who assists a financial planner, especially in compiling reports and conducting research.
PARIPINNATEparipinnate adj. (Botany) pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex.
PARIPINNATE adj. pinnate without a terminal leaflet.
PORNOTOPIANpornotopian adj. Of or relating to pornotopia.
PORNOTOPIAN adj. relating to a pornotopia, a perfect setting for the antics of pornography.
PREPLANNINGpreplanning n. Planning conducted in advance.
preplanning v. Present participle of preplan.
PREPLAN v. to plan in advance.
PREPLANTINGpreplanting v. Present participle of preplant.
PREPLANTING adj. taking place before planting.
SCRAPEPENNYscrape-penny n. (Archaic) A miser.
SCRAPEPENNY n. (archaic) a miser, a skinflint.
UNAPPROVINGunapproving adj. Not approving.
UNAPPROVING adj. not approving.
UNPREPARINGunpreparing v. Present participle of unprepare.
UNPREPARE v. to make unprepared.
UNSTRAPPINGunstrapping v. Present participle of unstrap.
UNSTRAP v. to remove a strap from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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