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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, L, R, 2U and Y

AURICULARLYauricularly adv. In an auricular manner.
AURICULAR adv. pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly.
AVUNCULARLYavuncularly adv. In an avuncular way.
AVUNCULAR adv. suggestive of an uncle, esp. in kindliness or geniality.
CRAPULOUSLYcrapulously adv. In a crapulous manner.
CRAPULOUS adv. suffering from overindulgence in food or drink, also CRAPULENT.
FRAUDULENCYfraudulency n. (Dated) fraudulence.
FRAUDULENCY n. the state of being fraudulent, also FRAUDULENCE.
GARRULOUSLYgarrulously adv. In a garrulous manner.
GARRULOUS adv. talkative.
GUTTURALITYgutturality n. (Uncountable) The quality of being guttural.
gutturality n. (Countable) An instance of being guttural.
GUTTURALITY n. the quality of being guttural.
LUXURIANTLYluxuriantly adv. In a luxuriant manner.
LUXURIANT adv. overabundant in growth.
MUSCULARITYmuscularity n. Musculature.
muscularity n. (Bodybuilding) The degree to which the muscles in a body part are developed.
muscularity n. The use of strength.
ORACULOUSLYoraculously adv. (Obsolete) In an oraculous manner; like an oracle.
ORACULOUS adv. of the nature of an oracle, also ORACULAR.
RAPTUROUSLYrapturously adv. In a rapturous manner.
RAPTUROUS adv. in a state of rapture.
SUPERLUNARYsuperlunary adj. Translunary.
SUPERLUNARY adj. otherworldly; above the moon, also SUPERLUNAR.
UNENDURABLYunendurably adv. In an unendurable manner; intolerably.
UNENDURABLE adv. that cannot be endured.
UNFEARFULLYunfearfully adv. In an unfearful manner.
UNFEARFUL adv. not fearful.
UNGUARDEDLYunguardedly adv. In an unguarded manner.
UNGUARDED adv. UNGUARD, to leave unprotected.
UNHARMFULLYunharmfully adv. In a way that is not harmful.
UNHARMFUL adv. not harmful.
UNNATURALLYunnaturally adv. In an unnatural manner; to an unnatural extent.
UNNATURAL adv. not natural.
UNPOPULARLYunpopularly adv. In a manner which is not popular.
UNPOPULAR adv. not popular.
UNSAVOURILYunsavourily adv. In an unsavoury manner.
UNSAVOURY adv. not savoury, also UNSAVORY.
UNUTTERABLYunutterably adv. In an unutterable manner; inexpressibly.
UNUTTERABLE adv. that cannot be uttered, also INUTTERABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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