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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, L, N, Q, T and U

BLANQUETTESblanquettes n. Plural of blanquette.
BLANQUETTE n. (French) a stew based on lamb, chicken and veal.
EQUILIBRANTequilibrant n. A force equal to, but opposite of, the resultant sum of vector forces; that force which balances other…
EQUILIBRANT n. a force that will balance one or more unbalanced forces.
EQUINOCTIALequinoctial adj. (Astronomy) Of or relating to the spring or autumnal equinox.
equinoctial adj. (Astronomy) Of or relating to the celestial equator.
equinoctial adj. (Uncommon) Equatorial: Of or relating to the equator of the Earth.
EQUIVALENTSequivalents n. Plural of equivalent.
EQUIVALENT n. something equal.
ILLIQUATIONilliquation n. (Rare) The melting or dissolving of one thing into another.
ILLIQUATION n. the melting of one thing into another.
INEQUITABLEinequitable adj. Unfair, unequal or unjust.
INEQUITABLE adj. not equitable, also UNEQUITABLE.
INEQUITABLYinequitably adv. In an inequitable manner.
INEQUITABLE adv. not equitable, also UNEQUITABLE.
LANSQUENETSlansquenets n. Plural of lansquenet.
LANSQUENET n. (French) a mercenary foot soldier of the 16th century, also LANDSKNECHT, LANZKNECHT.
LIQUIDATINGliquidating v. Present participle of liquidate.
LIQUIDATE v. to clear up or off (esp. a debt).
LIQUIDATIONliquidation n. The act of exchange of an asset of lesser liquidity with a more liquid one, such as cash.
liquidation n. The selling of the assets of a business as part of the process of dissolving the business.
liquidation n. (Euphemistic) Murder of dehumanized victims.
OBLIQUATIONobliquation n. The act of becoming oblique; a turning to one side; obliquity.
obliquation n. Deviation from moral rectitude.
OBLIQUATION n. (obsolete) obliqueness.
PASQUILANTSpasquilants n. Plural of pasquilant.
PASQUILANT n. a lampooner.
TRANQUILESTtranquilest adj. Superlative form of tranquil: most tranquil.
TRANQUIL adj. calm, peaceful.
TRANQUILISEtranquilise v. Alternative spelling of tranquilize.
TRANQUILITYtranquility n. American form standard spelling of tranquillity.
Tranquility prop.n. An unincorporated community in Green, Sussex, New Jersey, United States.
Tranquility prop.n. An unincorporated community in Adams, Ohio, United States.
TRANQUILIZEtranquilize v. (Transitive) To calm (a person or animal) or put them to sleep using a tranquilizer dart.
tranquilize v. (Transitive, now literary) To make (something or someone) tranquil.
tranquilize v. (Intransitive, obsolete, rare) To become tranquil.
TRANQUILLERtranquiller adj. Comparative form of tranquil: more tranquil.
TRANQUIL adj. calm, peaceful.
UNEQUITABLEunequitable adj. Inequitable.
UNEQUITABLE adj. not equitable, also INEQUITABLE.
UNQUALITIEDunqualitied adj. (Obsolete) Deprived of the usual faculties.
UNQUALITIED adj. (Shakespeare) bereft of qualities, also UNQUALITED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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