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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, I, N, 2S and X

ANTISEXISTSantisexists n. Plural of antisexist.
ANTISEXIST n. one opposed to sexism.
ANTISEXUALSantisexuals n. Plural of antisexual.
ANTISEXUAL n. one who is opposed to sexuality or sexual activity.
ANXIOUSNESSanxiousness n. The state of being anxious.
anxiousness n. A feeling of anxiety.
ANXIOUSNESS n. the state of being anxious.
ASPHYXIANTSasphyxiants n. Plural of asphyxiant.
ASPHYXIANT n. an agent causing asphyxiation.
AUTOSEXINGSAUTOSEXING n. the act of self-sexing.
EXHAUSTIONSexhaustions n. Plural of exhaustion.
EXHAUSTION n. the act of exhausting.
HEXOKINASEShexokinases n. Plural of hexokinase.
HEXOKINASE n. an enzyme.
INEXACTNESSinexactness n. The characteristic or quality of being inexact; a lack of precision, accuracy, or certainty.
INEXACTNESS n. the state of being inexact.
OMNISEXUALSSorry, definition not available.
SAXOPHONISTsaxophonist n. A person who owns, plays or practices with the saxophone.
SAXOPHONIST n. one who plays the saxophone.
SEXUALISINGsexualising v. Present participle of sexualise.
SEXUALISE v. to render sexual, also SEXUALIZE.
TAXONOMISTStaxonomists n. Plural of taxonomist.
TAXONOMIST n. a specialist in taxonomy, also TAXONOMER.
XANTHOPSIASXANTHOPSIA n. a visual condition where things appear yellow.
XENOGLOSSIAxenoglossia n. Synonym of xenoglossy (“knowledge of a language one has never learned”).
XENOGLOSSIA n. a person's knowledge of a language never studied, also XENOGLOSSY.
XIPHOSURANSxiphosurans n. Plural of xiphosuran.
XIPHOSURAN n. a member of the Xiphosura.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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