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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 3I and 2M

AMPHIMICTICamphimictic adj. Relating to amphimixis.
AMPHIMICTIC adj. relating to amphimixis.
IMIPRAMINESimipramines n. Plural of imipramine.
IMIPRAMINE n. an antidepressant drug also used in the treatment of enuresis.
IMMEDIACIESimmediacies n. Plural of immediacy.
IMMEDIACY n. the quality of being immediate.
IMMEDIATISMimmediatism n. A political philosophy embracing the virtues of immediate social interactions with people as a means…
immediatism n. (Historical) The belief that slavery should be ended immediately, without political process.
IMMEDIATISM n. the policy of action at once, esp. in the abolition of slavery in the US.
IMMIGRATINGimmigrating v. Present participle of immigrate.
IMMIGRATE v. to migrate into a country with the intention of settling in it.
IMMIGRATIONimmigration n. The act of immigrating; the passing or coming into a country of which one is not native born for the…
immigration n. The process of going through immigration checks at a border checkpoint.
IMMIGRATION n. the act or process of immigrating.
IMMITIGABLEimmitigable adj. That cannot be mitigated.
IMMITIGABLE adj. that cannot be mitigated.
IMMITIGABLYimmitigably adv. In an immitigable manner.
IMMITIGABLE adv. that cannot be mitigated.
IMPERIALISMimperialism n. The policy of forcefully extending a nation’s authority by territorial gain or by the establishment…
IMPERIALISM n. the policy, practice or advocacy of extension of a nation's power or influence over other territories.
MILITARISMSmilitarisms n. Plural of militarism.
MILITARISM n. reliance on military force in administering government.
MINIMALISMSminimalisms n. Plural of minimalism.
MINIMALISM n. making do with as little as possible.
MINIMALISTSminimalists n. Plural of minimalist.
MINIMALIST n. one who makes do with as little as possible.
MISCLAIMINGmisclaiming v. Present participle of misclaim.
MISCLAIM v. to claim wrongfully.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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