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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, H, O, 2T and V

ANCHOVETTASanchovettas n. Plural of anchovetta.
ANCHOVETTA n. (Spanish) a small fish like an anchovy, also ANCHOVETA.
BODHISATTVAbodhisattva n. (Buddhism) A person who has taken specific lay or monastic vows and who is on the road to perfect knowledge;…
bodhisattva n. (Buddhism) An enlightened being existing in a form of existence beyond the ordinary forms of physical…
BODHISATTVA n. one who gives up Nirvana out of compassion for others, also BODDHISATTVA.
COHORTATIVEcohortative adj. (Grammar, of a verb) Inflected to express plea, insistence, imploring, self-encouragement, wish, desire…
cohortative adj. Encouraging.
cohortative n. (Grammar) The cohortative mood.
DEHORTATIVEdehortative adj. Dissuasive.
DEHORTATIVE adj. dissuasive, also DEHORTATORY.
EXHORTATIVEexhortative adj. (Comparable) Appearing to exhort; in an urging manner.
exhortative adj. (Grammar, not comparable) Inflected hortative verb form that a speaker uses to avidly encourage a listener.
exhortative n. The exhortative mood.
HORTATIVELYhortatively adv. In a hortative way.
HORTATIVE adv. giving exhortation; advisory, also HORTATORY.
KATAVOTHRONkatavothron n. Synonym of swallow hole.
KATAVOTHRON n. (Modern Greek) an underground water channel, also KATABOTHRON.
PHOTOACTIVEphotoactive adj. Able to convert the energy of light into electricity via photoelectricity.
photoactive adj. Able to react chemically under the influence of light.
PHOTOACTIVE adj. affected physically or chemically by light or other radiation.
POSTHARVESTpostharvest adj. After a harvest (especially with regard to food preservation).
POSTHARVEST adj. following a harvest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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