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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, H, N, O, T and Z

ANTHEROZOIDantherozoid n. (Botany) One of the mobile male reproductive bodies in the antheridia of cryptogams.
ANTHEROZOID n. a motile male gamete produced in an antheridium, also ANTHEROZOOID.
ANTHOLOGIZEanthologize v. To compile, or include something in, an anthology.
ANTHOLOGIZE v. to make an anthology, also ANTHOLOGISE.
AUTHORIZINGauthorizing v. Present participle of authorize.
AUTHORIZE v. to give authority to, also AUTHORISE.
CHORIZATIONCHORIZATION n. the multiplication of parts etc. by splitting, also CHORISATION.
GAZILLIONTHgazillionth adj. (Informal) The ordinal form of the number gazillion.
gazillionth n. (Informal) The person or thing in the gazillionth position.
gazillionth n. (Informal) One of a gazillion equal parts of a whole.
HAEMATOZOONhaematozoon n. A parasite inhabiting the blood.
hæmatozoon n. Obsolete spelling of haematozoon.
HAEMATOZOON n. any microorganism, esp. a protozoan, that is parasitic in the blood, also HEMATOZOON.
HORIZONTALShorizontals n. Plural of horizontal.
HORIZONTAL n. a horizontal line.
RHIZANTHOUSrhizanthous adj. (Botany) Producing flowers from a rootstock, or apparently from a root.
RHIZANTHOUS adj. with flowers emerging from root.
RHIZOCTONIARhizoctonia prop.n. Certain fungi that cause rot at the tips of plant roots.
RHIZOCTONIA n. any of a genus of imperfect fungi that includes major plant pathogens.
RHOTACIZINGrhotacizing v. Present participle of rhotacize.
RHOTACIZE v. to change to an r- sound, esp. from z, also RHOTACISE.
ZANTHOXYLUMzanthoxylum n. Any of the genus Zanthoxylum of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs in the citrus or rue family.
Zanthoxylum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rutaceae – trees and shrubs including prickly ash and Hercules’…
ZANTHOXYLUM n. a plant of a genus of the rue family found in Brazil, in particular the prickly-ash or Hercules club, also XANTHOXYL, ZANTHOXYL.
ZOANTHARIANzoantharian adj. Of or pertaining to the Zoantharia.
zoantharian n. Any member of the Zoantharia.
ZOANTHARIAN n. a member of the Zoantharia, the order including sea-anemones.
ZOANTHROPICzoanthropic adj. Of or pertaining to zoanthropy.
ZOANTHROPIC adj. relating to zoanthropy, a form of mental delusion in which a person believes himself or herself to be an animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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