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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, H, I, 2M and R

ACHROMATISMachromatism n. (Optics) The state or quality of being achromatic; achromaticity.
achromatism n. The state of being free of colors, not emitting or separating into colors.
achromatism n. Achromatopia.
AMPHIMACERSamphimacers n. Plural of amphimacer.
AMPHIMACER n. a foot of three syllables, the middle one short and the others long, as in 'castitas'.
ANAMORPHISManamorphism n. (Computer science) a generalization of the list-producing unfolds known from functional programming…
ANAMORPHISM n. metamorphism of a rock in which complex minerals are formed from simpler ones.
BRAHMANISMSBRAHMANISM n. the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism, also BRAHMINISM.
BRAHMINISMSBRAHMINISM n. the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism, also BRAHMANISM.
CHAMBERMAIDchambermaid n. A maid who handles the chores in a bedroom.
CHAMBERMAID n. a maid who makes beds and does general cleaning of bedrooms (as in a hotel).
CHIMAERISMSchimaerisms n. Plural of chimaerism.
CHIMAERISM n. the state of being or creating a genetic chimaera, also CHIMERISM.
HEXAMERISMSHEXAMERISM n. the state of being hexamerous.
HUMORALISMShumoralisms n. Plural of humoralism.
HUMORALISM n. the state of being humoral.
METAMORPHICmetamorphic adj. Characterised by or exhibiting a change in form or character.
metamorphic adj. (Geology) Pertaining to metamorphism; having been structurally altered as a result of, or resulting…
metamorphic adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to metamorphosis.
MIMEOGRAPHSmimeographs n. Plural of mimeograph.
mimeographs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mimeograph.
MIMEOGRAPH n. (tradename) an autographic stencil copying device invented by Edison.
MIMOGRAPHERmimographer n. A writer of mimes (farces).
mimographer n. (Archaic) One who writes down sign language according to the system of mimography.
MIMOGRAPHER n. a writer of mimes.
MONARCHISMSmonarchisms n. Plural of monarchism.
MONARCHISM n. monarchical government or principles.
NINNYHAMMERninnyhammer n. A foolish person; a simpleton.
NINNYHAMMER n. a ninny, a foolish person.
RAMMISHNESSrammishness n. The quality of being rammish.
RAMMISHNESS n. the state of being rammish.
REHAMMERINGrehammering v. Present participle of rehammer.
REHAMMER v. to hammer again.
RHEUMATISMSrheumatisms n. Plural of rheumatism.
RHEUMATISM n. a condition characterised by pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, also RHEUMATEESE, RHEUMATISE, RHEUMATIZ, RHEUMATIZE.
TRIPHAMMERStriphammers n. Plural of triphammer.
trip␣hammers n. Plural of trip hammer.
TRIPHAMMER n. a power hammer that is raised or tilted by a cam and allowed to fall under gravity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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