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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, 2H, O, R and U

AUTHORSHIPSauthorships n. Plural of authorship.
AUTHORSHIP n. the profession of writing.
CHARTHOUSESCHARTHOUSE n. a room in a ship where charts are kept.
CHURCHWOMANchurchwoman n. The female equivalent of a churchman.
CHURCHWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of a church.
HANDWROUGHThandwrought adj. Made by hand, handmade.
HANDWROUGHT adj. fashioned by hand or chiefly by hand processes.
HARDMOUTHEDhard-mouthed adj. Not sensitive to the bit; not easily governed.
hard-mouthed adj. Hard-featured about the mouth.
HARDMOUTHED adj. of a horse, with a mouth insensible to the bit; not easily managed.
HEADBOROUGHheadborough n. (Historical, law) Synonym of tithingman: the head of a tithing.
headborough n. (Historical, law) Synonym of tithingman: a peace officer or underconstable.
HEADBOROUGH n. (historical) the head of a frankpledge, tithing, or decennary; a petty constable.
HOLOTHURIANholothurian n. (Zoology) sea cucumber (of the class Holothuroidea).
HOLOTHURIAN n. any member of a class of wormlike unarmoured echinoderms, aka sea cucumbers.
HORSELAUGHShorselaughs n. Plural of horselaugh.
horse␣laughs n. Plural of horse laugh.
HORSELAUGH n. a loud, boisterous laugh.
HOUSEFATHERhousefather n. The father of a family; the male head of household, or of any collection of persons living as a family…
housefather n. A man in charge of a house in a boarding school.
HOUSEFATHER n. a man in charge of a dormitory, hall, or hostel.
ICHTHYOSAURichthyosaur n. Any of several fishlike marine reptiles of the extinct order Ichthyosauria of the early Triassic to…
ICHTHYOSAUR n. a large fossil marine reptile, also ICHTHYOSAURIAN, ICHTHYOSAURUS.
LAUGHWORTHYlaughworthy adj. (Rare) Deserving to be laughed at, laughable.
LAUGHWORTHY adj. worthy of being laughed at.
PLOUGHSHAREploughshare n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of plowshare.
PLOUGHSHARE n. the cutting blade of a plough, also PLOWSHARE.
RHIZANTHOUSrhizanthous adj. (Botany) Producing flowers from a rootstock, or apparently from a root.
RHIZANTHOUS adj. with flowers emerging from root.
THARBOROUGHTHARBOROUGH n. (Shakespeare) a mispronunciation of thirdborough, also FARBOROUGH.
THOROUGHWAXthoroughwax n. An umbelliferous plant (Bupleurum rotundifolium) with perfoliate leaves.
thoroughwax n. The thoroughwort.
THOROUGHWAX n. the plant hare's-ear, from the stem seeming to 'wax' (i.e. grow) through the leaves.
THROUGHFAREthroughfare n. Obsolete form of thoroughfare.
THROUGHFARE n. (Shakespeare) a thoroughfare.
THROUGHWAYSthroughways n. Plural of throughway.
THROUGHWAY n. (US) a motorway, also THRUWAY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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