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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, G, L, 2P and S

APPEASINGLYappeasingly adv. In an appeasing manner.
APPEASING adv. APPEASE, to bring to a state of peace or contentment.
CLAPPERINGSCLAPPERING n. the sound made by using a clapper.
DAPPERLINGSdapperlings n. Plural of dapperling.
DAPPERLING n. (archaic) a dapper little fellow.
DISAPPLYINGdisapplying v. Present participle of disapply.
DISAPPLY v. to make a law inapplicable.
GLASSPAPERSglasspapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of glasspaper.
GLASSPAPER v. to sand with glasspaper (an abrasive composed of quartz granules on a paper backing).
GYPSOPHILASgypsophilas n. Plural of gypsophila.
GYPSOPHILA n. a garden flower.
MISAPPLYINGmisapplying v. Present participle of misapply.
MISAPPLY v. to apply wrongly.
PARAPLEGIASparaplegias n. Plural of paraplegia.
PARAPLEGIA n. paralysis of lower half of body.
PARAPLEGICSparaplegics n. Plural of paraplegic.
PARAPLEGIC n. someone paralysed in the lower half of the body.
PLANIGRAPHSplanigraphs n. Plural of planigraph.
PLANIGRAPH n. an instrument for copying drawings at a different scale.
POLYPHAGIASpolyphagias n. Plural of polyphagia.
POLYPHAGIA n. the eating of excessive amounts, or many different kinds, of food.
POLYPHAGIESPOLYPHAGY n. the practice or faculty of subsisting on many kinds of food.
POLYPHAGOUSpolyphagous adj. Eating many types of food.
polyphagous adj. (Of an herbivorous insect) Having many host plants.
POLYPHAGOUS adj. eating many types of food.
PSALIGRAPHYPSALIGRAPHY n. the art of paper-cutting to make pictures.
RAPPELLINGSRAPPELLING n. descending by rope.
SHIPLAPPINGshiplapping v. Present participle of shiplap.
SHIPLAPPING n. the overlapping of planks on a ship.
SUPPLANTINGsupplanting v. Present participle of supplant.
SUPPLANT v. to take the place of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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