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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, F, R, S and 2U

ANFRACTUOUSanfractuous adj. Sinuous, twisty, winding.
anfractuous adj. Craggy, rugged, coarse, rough, uneven.
ANFRACTUOUS adj. full of twists and turns; winding.
CAMOUFLEURScamoufleurs n. Plural of camoufleur.
CAMOUFLEUR n. (French) a person or animal skilled in the art of camouflage.
DESULFURATEdesulfurate v. Alternative form of desulphurate.
DESULFURATE v. to remove the sulphur from.
FERULACEOUSferulaceous adj. Pertaining to reeds and canes.
ferulaceous adj. Having a stalk like a reed.
FERULACEOUS adj. like a cane or reed.
FRUCTUARIESfructuaries n. Plural of fructuary.
FRUCTUARY n. a person enjoying the fruits of anything.
FUMATORIUMSfumatoriums n. Plural of fumatorium.
FUMATORIUM n. (Latin) a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORY.
GUANIFEROUSguaniferous adj. Yielding guano.
GUANIFEROUS adj. bearing guano.
HARBOURFULSharbourfuls n. Plural of harbourful.
HARBOURFUL n. the contents of a harbour, also HARBORFUL.
PLEASUREFULpleasureful adj. That gives pleasure; delightful, pleasurable.
PLEASUREFUL adj. full of pleasure.
RUMFUSTIANSrumfustians n. Plural of rumfustian.
RUMFUSTIAN n. (archaic) a hot alcoholic drink made from rum and various spices.
SUBSURFACESsubsurfaces n. Plural of subsurface.
SUBSURFACE n. earth material (as rock) near but not exposed at the surface of the ground.
SULFURATINGsulfurating v. Present participle of sulfurate.
SULFURATE v. to combine with sulfur, also SULPHURATE.
SULFURATIONsulfuration n. (Chemistry) reaction with sulfur.
SULFURATION n. the process of treating with sulfur, also SULPHURATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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