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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, F, I, 2L and P

AMPLIFIABLEamplifiable adj. Capable of being amplified.
AMPLIFIABLE adj. that can be amplified.
FLOODPLAINSfloodplains n. Plural of floodplain.
flood␣plains n. Plural of flood plain.
FLOODPLAIN n. an area bordering a stream over which water spreads when the stream tops its channel banks.
LAPILLIFORMlapilliform adj. Having the form of small stones.
LAPILLIFORM adj. shaped like a small stone.
PACIFICALLYpacifically adv. In a calm or quiet manner.
pacifically adv. In a soothing manner.
PACIFICAL adv. pacific, esp. in Letters pacifical, letters recommending the bearer as being one at peace with the church.
PAINFULLESTpainfullest adj. Superlative form of painful: most painful.
PAINFUL adj. causing pain.
PAPILLIFORMpapilliform adj. Shaped like a papilla.
papilliform n. Such a tooth.
PAPILLIFORM adj. nipple-shaped.
PATELLIFORMpatelliform adj. Having the shape of a patella.
patelliform adj. Resembling a limpet of the genus Patella.
PATELLIFORM adj. shaped like a saucer or kneecap.
PLANULIFORMplanuliform adj. (Zoology) Resembling a planula.
PLANULIFORM adj. having the form of a planula.
PRATFALLINGpratfalling v. Present participle of pratfall.
PRATFALL v. to fall on the buttocks, to make a big blunder.
TOPLOFTICALtoploftical adj. (Humorous, dated) Haughty, hoity-toity, superior.
TOPLOFTICAL adj. high and mighty; haughty, also TOPLOFTY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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