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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, F, G, L and 2S

ANGELFISHESangelfishes n. Plural of angelfish.
ANGELFISH n. a brightly coloured tropical fish.
CLASSIFYINGclassifying v. Present participle of classify.
classifying adj. That serves to classify.
CLASSIFY v. to arrange in categories.
FATIGUELESSfatigueless adj. Free from fatigue.
FATIGUELESS adj. without fatigue.
FINGERGLASSfinger␣glass n. Finger bowl.
FINGERGLASS n. a bowl for water to clean the fingers at table.
FLASHLIGHTSflashlights n. Plural of flashlight.
FLASHLIGHT n. a sudden bright artificial light used in taking photographic pictures.
FRAGILENESSfragileness n. The property of being fragile.
FRAGILENESS n. the state of being fragile.
FRUGALISTASfrugalistas n. Plural of frugalista.
FRUGALISTA n. a person who tries to stay fashionably dressed on a budget.
GAINFULNESSgainfulness n. The state or quality of being gainful; profitableness.
GAINFULNESS n. the state of being gainful.
GLADFULNESSgladfulness n. The quality of being gladful.
GLADFULNESS n. (archaic) the quality of being gladful.
GLASSIFYINGglassifying v. Present participle of glassify.
GLASSIFY v. to become like glass.
LIFESAVINGSlife␣savings n. A large sum of money one has saved over a considerable number of years.
LIFESAVING n. the skill or practice of saving or protecting the lives esp. of drowning persons.
PERSIFLAGESpersiflages n. Plural of persiflage.
PERSIFLAGE n. (French) frivolous, bantering talk.
SCAFFOLAGESSCAFFOLAGE n. (Shakespeare) scaffoldage, also SCAFFOLDAGE.
SMIFLIGATESSMIFLIGATE v. Charles Dickens's nonce word for to spiflicate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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