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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, F, G, H, I and S

AFFRIGHTENSaffrightens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of affrighten.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
AIRFREIGHTSairfreights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of airfreight.
air-freights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of air-freight.
AIRFREIGHT v. to transport freight by air in volume.
ANGELFISHESangelfishes n. Plural of angelfish.
ANGELFISH n. a brightly coloured tropical fish.
CRAWFISHINGcrawfishing v. Present participle of crawfish.
crawfishing n. Fishing for crawfish.
CRAWFISH v. to retreat or back out.
FEATHERINGSfeatherings n. Plural of feathering.
FEATHERING n. the act of providing with feathers.
FIGUREHEADSfigureheads n. Plural of figurehead.
figure-heads n. Plural of figure-head.
FIGUREHEAD n. the figure, statue, or bust, on the prow of a ship.
FISHTAILINGfishtailing v. Present participle of fishtail.
FISHTAIL v. to swing the tail of a moving vehicle from side to side.
FLASHLIGHTSflashlights n. Plural of flashlight.
FLASHLIGHT n. a sudden bright artificial light used in taking photographic pictures.
FLAUNCHINGSflaunchings n. Plural of flaunching.
FLAUNCHING n. a sloping piece of cement, e.g. round the base of a chimneypot, also FLANCHING.
FRANCHISINGfranchising v. Present participle of franchise.
franchising n. The establishment, granting, or use of a franchise.
FRANCHISE v. to grant a franchise to.
FREIGHTAGESfreightages n. Plural of freightage.
FREIGHTAGE n. money paid for freight; freighted goods.
HANDFASTINGhandfasting v. Present participle of handfast.
handfasting n. The ceremony in which people handfast.
HANDFASTING n. a betrothal.
OUTFLASHINGoutflashing v. Present participle of outflash.
OUTFLASH v. to flash more brightly.
PANFISHINGSPANFISHING n. fishing for any small fish that can be fried whole.
SPACEFLIGHTspaceflight n. Alternative spelling of space flight.
space␣flight n. (Uncountable) Flight into, from or through space.
space␣flight n. (Countable) A voyage in space.
SPAGHETTIFYspaghettify v. (Astrophysics) To stretch an object into a long thin shape under the influence of a very strong gravitational…
SPAGHETTIFY v. to make into spaghetti, with particular reference to black holes.
VOUCHSAFINGvouchsafing v. Present participle of vouchsafe.
vouchsafing n. The act of one who vouchsafes something.
VOUCHSAFING n. the act of granting as a privilege or special favour.
WHARFINGERSwharfingers n. Plural of wharfinger.
WHARFINGER n. the keeper or owner of a wharf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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