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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, E, O, 2S and Z

ABSOLUTIZESabsolutizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of absolutize.
ABSOLUTIZE v. to make absolute.
ACCESSORIZEaccessorize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To furnish with accessories.
accessorize v. (Intransitive) To wear or to choose accessories.
ACCESSORIZE v. to furnish with accessories, also ACCESSORISE.
AEROSOLIZESaerosolizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aerosolize.
AEROSOLIZE v. to turn into an aerosol.
APOSTATIZESapostatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apostatize.
APOSTATIZE v. to change one's religious allegiance; forsake one's principles, also APOSTATISE.
APOSTOLIZESapostolizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apostolize.
APOSTOLIZE v. to preach, also APOSTOLISE.
AZYGOSPORESazygospores n. Plural of azygospore.
AZYGOSPORE n. a thick-walled spore produced by parthenogenesis in certain algae and fungi.
HYPOSTASIZEhypostasize v. (Transitive) To make into a distinct substance; to conceive or treat as an existing being; to hypostatize.
HYPOSTASIZE v. to treat as hypostasis; to personify, also HYPOSTASISE, HYPOSTATISE, HYPOSTATIZE.
ISONIAZIDESISONIAZIDE n. a pyridine derivative used in the treatment of tuberculosis, also ISONIAZID.
OSTRACIZERSostracizers n. Plural of ostracizer.
OSTRACIZER n. one who ostracises, also OSTRACISER.
PASSAMEZZOSpassamezzos n. Plural of passamezzo.
PASSAMEZZO n. an old dance, a pavan in quick time, also PASSEMEASURE.
PLASMOLYZESplasmolyzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plasmolyze.
PLASMOLYZE v. to undergo plasmolysis, the removal of water from a cell by osmosis, also PLASMOLYSE.
PSALMODIZESpsalmodizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of psalmodize.
PSALMODIZE v. to practice psalmody, also PSALMODISE.
RAZORFISHESrazorfishes n. Plural of razorfish.
RAZORFISH n. a lamellibranch mollusc with a shell like an old-fashioned razor handle, also RAZORCLAM.
RHAPSODIZESrhapsodizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rhapsodize.
RHAPSODIZE v. to utter as a rhapsody, or in the manner of a rhapsody, also RHAPSODISE.
SCHERZANDOSscherzandos n. Plural of scherzando.
SCHERZANDO n. a scherzando passage.
SCORZONERASscorzoneras n. Plural of scorzonera.
SCORZONERA n. (Italian) a plant of the genus Scorzonera, black salsify.
SOCIALIZERSsocializers n. Plural of socializer.
SOCIALIZER n. one who socializes, also SOCIALISER.
SPANIOLIZESSpaniolizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Spaniolize.
SPANIOLIZE v. to hispanicize, also SPANIOLISE.
ZEALOUSNESSzealousness n. The quality of being zealous; zeal.
ZEALOUSNESS n. the state of being zealous.
ZOOPLASTIESzooplasties n. Plural of zooplasty.
ZOOPLASTY n. the surgical transfer of tissue from an animal to man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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