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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, E, N, O, U and X

ANXIOUSNESSanxiousness n. The state of being anxious.
anxiousness n. A feeling of anxiety.
ANXIOUSNESS n. the state of being anxious.
AUTOSEXINGSAUTOSEXING n. the act of self-sexing.
AUXANOMETERauxanometer n. An instrument to measure the growth of plants.
AUXANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring growth of plants.
CONTEXTURALcontextural adj. Relating to contexture or arrangement of parts; producing contexture; interwoven.
CONTEXTURAL adj. relating to contexture, weaving together.
EXCULPATIONexculpation n. The act of exculpating from alleged fault or crime.
exculpation n. That which exculpates; an excuse.
EXCULPATION n. the act of exculpating.
EXHAUSTIONSexhaustions n. Plural of exhaustion.
EXHAUSTION n. the act of exhausting.
EXHUMATIONSexhumations n. Plural of exhumation.
EXHUMATION n. the act of exhuming.
EXONUCLEASEexonuclease n. (Biochemistry, genetics) Any of a group of enzymes which cleave single nucleotides from the end of a…
EXONUCLEASE n. an enzyme that breaks down a nucleic acid by removing nucleotides one by one from the end of a chain.
EXPUGNATIONexpugnation n. The act of taking by assault; conquest.
EXPUGNATION n. the act of expugning.
EXPURGATIONexpurgation n. The act of expurgating, purging, or cleansing; purification from anything noxious, offensive, sinful, or erroneous.
EXPURGATION n. the act of expurgating.
EXTENUATIONextenuation n. (Countable and uncountable) The action of extenuating; extenuated condition.
EXTENUATION n. the act of extenuating.
EXTENUATORSextenuators n. Plural of extenuator.
EXTENUATOR n. one who extenuates.
EXTENUATORYextenuatory adj. Tending to extenuate or palliate.
EXTENUATORY adj. serving to extenuate.
EXULTATIONSexultations n. Plural of exultation.
EXULTATION n. the act of exulting.
EXUVIATIONSexuviations n. Plural of exuviation.
EXUVIATION n. the act of exuviating.
FLUVOXAMINEfluvoxamine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic antidepressant drug which acts by prolonging the effect of the neurotransmitter…
FLUVOXAMINE n. an antidepressant predominantly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.
HETEROAUXINheteroauxin n. A growth-promoting hormone, 3-indoleacetic acid, occurring in some plants.
HETEROAUXIN n. a natural plant hormone, used esp. for stimulating growth and root formation in plant cutting.
OMNISEXUALSSorry, definition not available.
OVERANXIOUSoveranxious adj. Excessively anxious or nervous.
OVERANXIOUS adj. excessively anxious.
SULFADOXINEsulfadoxine n. (Pharmacology) A long-lasting sulfonamide often used to treat or prevent malaria and certain infections of livestock.
SULFADOXINE n. a drug used to prevent and treat malaria, also SULPHADOXINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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