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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, E, F, S, T and Y

DEFRAYMENTSdefrayments n. Plural of defrayment.
DEFRAYMENT n. the payment of charges, also DEFRAYAL.
FACETIOUSLYfacetiously adv. In a facetious or flippant manner; in a manner that treats serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor.
facetiously adv. (Dated) In a pleasantly humorous or playful fashion.
FACETIOUS adv. playfully jocular; humorous.
FAITHLESSLYfaithlessly adv. In a faithless manner.
FAITHLESS adv. without faith.
FAULTLESSLYfaultlessly adv. In a faultless manner.
FAULTLESS adv. without fault.
FEASIBILITYfeasibility n. The state of being feasible or possible.
FEASIBILITY n. the state of being feasible.
FESTINATELYfestinately adv. (Obsolete) In a festinate manner; hastily; hurriedly.
FESTINATE adv. quick.
FLYCATCHERSflycatchers n. Plural of flycatcher.
FLYCATCHER n. one of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing.
FLYSWATTERSflyswatters n. Plural of flyswatter.
fly␣swatters n. Plural of fly swatter.
FLYSWATTER n. a device for killing insects that consists of a flat piece of perforated rubber or plastic or fine-mesh wire netting attached to a handle.
GAYFEATHERSgayfeathers n. Plural of gayfeather.
KEFALOTYRISSorry, definition not available.
MASTERFULLYmasterfully adv. In a masterful manner; in an extremely confident and competent manner.
MASTERFUL adv. exercising the authority, skill or power of a master.
PLATYFISHESplatyfishes n. Plural of platyfish.
PLATYFISH n. a small tropical fish, also PLATY.
PRESANCTIFYPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
SHERIFFALTYsheriffalty n. The office or jurisdiction of a sheriff.
SHERIFFALTY n. the office of sheriff, also SHRIEVALTY.
SPAGHETTIFYspaghettify v. (Astrophysics) To stretch an object into a long thin shape under the influence of a very strong gravitational…
SPAGHETTIFY v. to make into spaghetti, with particular reference to black holes.
SPLAYFOOTEDsplayfooted adj. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
splay-footed adj. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
SPLAYFOOTED adj. having splayed feet.
STEADFASTLYsteadfastly adv. In a steadfast manner; firmly; with conviction.
STEADFAST adv. firm, unwavering, also STEDFAST.
SUPERSAFETYsupersafety n. The state or condition of being supersafe; exceptional safety.
SUPERSAFETY n. the state of being supersafe.
WASTERFULLYWASTERFUL adv. (Scots) extravagant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 127 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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