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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, E, 2F, N and U

AFFLUENCIESaffluencies n. Plural of affluency.
AFFLUENCY n. the state of being affluent, also AFFLUENCE.
AFFLUENTIALaffluential adj. Affluent and influential.
affluential n. An affluent, influential person.
AFFLUENTIAL n. an affluent person who does not display his or her wealth in the form of material possessions.
DANDRUFFIERDANDRUFFY adj. full of dandruff.
FATEFULNESSfatefulness n. The quality of being fateful.
FATEFULNESS n. the state of being fateful.
FAULTFINDERfaultfinder n. A person who finds fault.
FAULTFINDER n. one given to faultfinding.
FEARFULNESSfearfulness n. The quality of being fearful.
FEARFULNESS n. the state of being fearful.
FRANKFURTERfrankfurter n. (UK, US, Canada) A moist sausage of soft, even texture and flavor, often made from mechanically recovered…
Frankfurter n. A native or inhabitant of Frankfurt, Germany.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
GAUFFERINGSgaufferings n. Plural of gauffering.
GAUFFERING n. make pleats with a gauffering iron, also GOFFERING.
INEFFECTUALineffectual adj. Unable or insufficient to produce effect.
ineffectual adj. Worthless; ineffective.
ineffectual adj. Weak, indecisive; lacking forcefulness.
INSUFFLATEDinsufflated v. Simple past tense and past participle of insufflate.
insufflated adj. Disseminated by blowing.
INSUFFLATE v. to blow on or into.
INSUFFLATESinsufflates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of insufflate.
INSUFFLATE v. to blow on or into.
NONAFFLUENTnonaffluent adj. Not affluent.
NONAFFLUENT adj. not affluent.
SUBAFFLUENTsubaffluent adj. Between the poverty line and affluence.
SUBAFFLUENT adj. less than affluent.
SUFFERANCESsufferances n. Plural of sufferance.
SUFFERANCE n. passive tolerance, by the absence of objection rather than by express permission.
SUFFIGANCESSUFFIGANCE n. (Shakespeare) Dogberry's blunder for suffisance.
SUFFISANCESSUFFISANCE n. (obsolete) sufficiency.
UNAFFECTINGunaffecting adj. Not affecting.
unaffecting v. Present participle of unaffect.
UNAFFECTING adj. not affecting.
UNFEARFULLYunfearfully adv. In an unfearful manner.
UNFEARFUL adv. not fearful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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