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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, F, T and V

AFFECTIVELYaffectively adv. In an affective way; emotionally.
AFFECTIVE adv. of, arising from or influencing emotion.
AFTERSHAVESaftershaves n. Plural of aftershave.
after-shaves n. Plural of after-shave.
AFTERSHAVE n. a usually scented lotion for use on the face after shaving.
CALEFACTIVEcalefactive adj. Calefactory.
CALEFACTIVE adj. communicating heat.
DEFENSATIVEdefensative n. (Archaic) That which serves to protect or defend.
DEFENSATIVE n. a protection.
DEFORMATIVEDEFORMATIVE adj. tending to deform.
EXFOLIATIVEexfoliative adj. That causes, or is accompanied by, exfoliation.
EXFOLIATIVE adj. serving to exfoliate.
OVERFATIGUEoverfatigue v. (Transitive) To fatigue to excess; to tire out.
overfatigue n. Excessive fatigue.
OVERFATIGUE n. a state of excessive fatigue.
OVERINFLATEoverinflate v. To inflate excessively; to provide too much inflation.
OVERINFLATE v. to inflate excessively.
OVERSTAFFEDoverstaffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstaff.
OVERSTAFF v. to employ too many staff.
PERFORATIVEperforative adj. Having power to perforate or pierce.
PERFORATIVE adj. causing perforation, also PERFORATORY.
RAREFACTIVErarefactive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing rarefaction.
RAREFACTIVE adj. causing rarefaction.
REFORMATIVEreformative adj. That serves to reform or correct.
REFORMATIVE adj. intended or tending to reform.
VELVETLEAFSvelvetleafs n. Plural of velvetleaf.
VOCIFERATEDvociferated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vociferate.
VOCIFERATE v. to cry out with a loud voice; to bawl.
VOCIFERATESvociferates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vociferate.
VOCIFERATE v. to cry out with a loud voice; to bawl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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