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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, D, L and 3N

BANDOLININGbandolining v. Present participle of bandoline.
BANDOLINE v. to apply pomatum to the hair.
CANYONLANDScanyonlands n. Plural of canyonland.
Canyonlands prop.n. Canyonlands National Park, a national park in Utah.
HANDLININGSSorry, definition not available.
INDIGNANTLYindignantly adv. In an indignant manner.
INDIGNANT adv. feeling or showing justifiable anger.
LANDAMMANNSLandammanns n. Plural of Landammann.
LANDAMMANN n. (German) a chief magistrate in some of the Swiss cantons, also LANDAMMAN.
LANDDAMNINGLANDDAMNE v. (Shakespeare) to abuse with violence.
LANDMININGSLANDMINING n. the act of laying landmines.
LANDOWNINGSlandownings n. Plural of landowning.
LANDOWNING n. the owning of land.
MANHANDLINGmanhandling v. Present participle of manhandle.
manhandling n. The act of one who manhandles; rough physical treatment.
MANHANDLE v. to move by manpower; to handle or treat roughly.
NANDROLONESnandrolones n. Plural of nandrolone.
NANDROLONE n. an androgenic anabolic steroid that is illegally used as a performance-enhancing drug by some athletes.
PANHANDLINGpanhandling v. Present participle of panhandle.
panhandling n. Begging for money.
PANHANDLE v. to beg from someone esp. on the street.
UNCHANNELEDunchanneled adj. Not channeled.
UNCHANNELED adj. not channeled, also UNCHANNELLED.
UNPANNELLEDunpannelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpannel.
UNPANNEL v. to unsaddle, also UNPANEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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