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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, 2D, H, R and U

ARCHDUKEDOMarchdukedom n. The territory or dignity of an archduke or archduchess; an archduchy.
ARCHDUKEDOM n. the domain of an archduke.
CHAUDFROIDSchaudfroids n. Plural of chaudfroid.
chaud-froids n. Plural of chaud-froid.
CHAUDFROID n. a jellied sauce, or a dish, e.g. of chicken, including it.
DOWNDRAUGHTdowndraught n. Alternative spelling of downdraft.
DOWNDRAUGHT n. a downward movement of air, also DOWNDRAFT.
DREADNAUGHTdreadnaught n. Alternative spelling of dreadnought.
DREADNAUGHT n. a large battleship; a garment of heavy woollen cloth, also DREADNOUGHT.
DREADNOUGHTdreadnought n. (Military, nautical, historical) A battleship, especially of the World War I era, in which most of the…
dreadnought n. (Informal) A type of warship heavier in armour or armament than a typical battleship.
dreadnought n. (Music) A type of acoustic guitar with a very large body and a waist that is less pronounced than on…
DUNDERHEADSdunderheads n. Plural of dunderhead.
DUNDERHEAD n. a dunce; a numskull; a blockhead.
FURALDEHYDEfuraldehyde n. (Organic chemistry) furfural.
FURALDEHYDE n. either of two aldehydes derived from furan.
GODDAUGHTERgoddaughter n. A female child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.
GODDAUGHTER n. a female godchild.
HARDMOUTHEDhard-mouthed adj. Not sensitive to the bit; not easily governed.
hard-mouthed adj. Hard-featured about the mouth.
HARDMOUTHED adj. of a horse, with a mouth insensible to the bit; not easily managed.
HYDROMEDUSAhydromedusa n. The South American snake-necked turtle.
HYDROMEDUSA n. a hydrozoan in its medusoid stage, also HYDROMEDUSAN, HYDROMEDUSOID.
ROUNDARCHEDROUNDARCHED adj. having semicircular arches, also ROUNDARCH.
ROUNDHEADEDroundheaded adj. Having a round head or top.
ROUNDHEADED adj. having a round head.
RUDDERHEADSrudderheads n. Plural of rudderhead.
RUDDERHEAD n. the top of the rudderpost, to which the steering apparatus may be fixed.
THUNDERHEADthunderhead n. The top portion of a cumulonimbus cloud, which tends to be flattened or fibery in appearance, and may…
THUNDERHEAD n. a thunder cloud.
UNDERHANDEDunderhanded adj. Done by moving the hand (and arm) from below.
underhanded adj. Sly, dishonest, corrupt, cheating.
underhanded adj. Insincere; sarcastic.
UNDERHEATEDunderheated v. Simple past tense and past participle of underheat.
UNDERHEAT v. to heat insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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