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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, C, L, N, T and Z

ACTUALIZINGactualizing v. Present participle of actualize.
ACTUALIZE v. to make actual, realise, also ACTUALISE.
CARTELIZINGcartelizing v. Present participle of cartelize.
CARTELIZE v. to make into a cartel, also CARTELISE.
CENTRALIZEDcentralized adj. Having things physically towards the center; consolidated or concentrated.
centralized adj. Having power concentrated in a single, central authority.
centralized v. Simple past tense and past participle of centralize.
CENTRALIZERcentralizer n. A device used to centralize a piece of equipment.
centralizer n. (Mathematics) (of an element in a group) The set of elements of the same group which commute with the…
CENTRALIZER n. one who centralizes, also CENTRALISER.
CENTRALIZEScentralizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of centralize.
CENTRALIZE v. to move to, draw to, or concentrate at a centre, also CENTRALISE.
CLIMATIZINGclimatizing v. Present participle of climatize.
CLIMATIZE v. to acclimatize, also CLIMATISE.
CYCLIZATIONcyclization n. (Chemistry) The process of cyclizing, of becoming or causing to become aromatic.
cyclization n. (Chemistry) Any reaction that results in the formation of a ring. ring closure.
CYCLIZATION n. the formation of a ring in a chemical compound, also CYCLISATION.
ITALICIZINGitalicizing v. Present participle of italicize.
ITALICIZE v. to print in italic characters, also ITALICISE.
LAICIZATIONlaicization n. The act of laicizing.
LAICIZATION n. the process of returning a clergyman to lay status, also LAICISATION.
LANZKNECHTSlanzknechts n. Plural of lanzknecht.
LANZKNECHT n. (German) a mercenary foot-soldier of the 16th century, also LANDSKNECHT, LANSQUENET.
VULCANIZATEvulcanizate n. A product of vulcanization.
VULCANIZATE n. a vulcanized product, also VULCANISATE.
ZALCITABINEzalcitabine n. (Pharmacology) A drug C9H13N3O3 which inhibits the replication of HIV and is formerly used in the treatment…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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