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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, O, T and V

AUTOCLAVINGautoclaving v. Present participle of autoclave.
autoclaving n. Sterilization in an autoclave.
AUTOCLAVE v. to heat in an autoclave.
COAGULATIVEcoagulative adj. Having the power to cause coagulation.
COAGULATIVE adj. serving to coagulate.
COLLIGATIVEcolligative adj. (Chemistry, physics) Describing any property that depends only on the number of molecules present.
COLLIGATIVE adj. depending on the number of particles (as molecules) and not on the nature of the particles.
CONJUGATIVEconjugative adj. Of, relating to, or producing combination or conjunction; combinative or connective.
CONJUGATIVE adj. conjugate.
CONVOCATINGconvocating v. Present participle of convocate.
CONVOCATE v. to convoke; to call together.
COVENANTINGcovenanting v. Present participle of covenant.
COVENANT v. to enter into a binding agreement.
NOCTIVAGANTnoctivagant adj. Walking or wandering in the nighttime, nightwandering.
NOCTIVAGANT n. someone who wanders in the night.
NOCTIVAGOUSnoctivagous adj. Wandering at night; nightwandering, noctivagant.
NOCTIVAGOUS adj. wandering in the night, also NOCTIVAGANT.
OUTCAVILINGOUTCAVIL v. to surpass in caviling.
OVERCASTINGovercasting v. Present participle of overcast.
overcasting n. A spell of overcast weather.
OVERCASTING n. stitches sewn over a raw edge.
OVERCOATINGovercoating v. Present participle of overcoat.
overcoating n. Cloth for making overcoats.
OVERCOATING n. cloth for overcoats.
VACATIONINGvacationing v. Present participle of vacation.
VACATION v. to take a holiday.
VAGINECTOMYvaginectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of all or part of the vagina.
VAGINECTOMY n. surgical excision of the vagina.
VECTOGRAPHSvectographs n. Plural of vectograph.
VECTOGRAPH n. a picture giving a special effect when viewed through three-dimensional spectacles.
VODCASTINGSVODCASTING n. the creation and provision of video files for download to a computer, MP3 player, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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