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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, C, G, K, N and P

BACKPACKINGbackpacking v. Present participle of backpack.
backpacking n. Hiking and camping overnight in backcountry with one’s gear carried in a backpack.
backpacking n. Low-cost, generally urban, travel with minimal luggage and frugal accommodations.
BACKSPACINGbackspacing v. Present participle of backspace.
BACKSPACE v. to move the cursor of a computer or the carriage of a typewriter one or more spaces back by means of a particular key.
EMPACKETINGempacketing v. Present participle of empacket.
EMPACKET v. to pack up.
FLATPICKINGflatpicking n. A style of bluegrass acoustic guitar played with a plectrum.
flatpicking v. Present participle of flatpick.
flat-picking v. Present participle of flat-pick.
HANDPICKINGhandpicking v. Present participle of handpick.
hand-picking v. Present participle of hand-pick.
HANDPICK v. to choose carefully.
HOPSACKINGShopsackings n. Plural of hopsacking.
HOPSACKING n. a rough-surfaced loose fabric, also HOPSACK.
JACKPOTTINGjackpotting n. The act of rewarding a dog with a large number of treats during training.
jackpotting n. The fraudulent exploitation of an automatic teller machine so that it dispenses cash that has not been…
jackpotting v. Present participle of jackpot.
KNEECAPPINGkneecapping n. (Gerund) The act of injuring the knees of (a person), usually by shooting at the knees; often a punishment…
kneecapping n. (Gerund, figurative, by extension) An excessively and needlessly damaging attack or disparagement.
kneecapping v. Present participle of kneecap.
MEATPACKINGmeatpacking n. (US) The slaughter and further processing of animals for meat.
MEATPACKING n. the wholesale meat industry.
OVERPACKINGoverpacking v. Present participle of overpack.
OVERPACK v. to pack to excess.
PACEMAKINGSPACEMAKING n. performing the function as of a pacemaker.
PACKETISINGpacketising v. Present participle of packetise.
PACKETISE v. to form data into packets, or bundled units, according to a specific protocol, also PACKETIZE.
PACKETIZINGpacketizing v. Present participle of packetize.
PACKETISE v. to form data into packets, or bundled units, according to a specific protocol, also PACKETIZE.
PARBUCKLINGparbuckling v. Present participle of parbuckle.
PARBUCKLE v. to raise or lower (a cask, gun, etc.) with a parbuckle, a sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object.
PEACEMAKINGpeacemaking n. The act of reconciling two people or groups who disagree.
PEACEMAKING n. activities relating to making peace.
PICKBACKINGPICKBACK v. to carry someone on one's back, also PICKABACK, PICKAPACK, PIGGYBACK.
POCKMARKINGpockmarking v. Present participle of pockmark.
POCKMARK v. to mark with scars caused by an eruptive disease.
PRACTICKINGPRACTIC v. (archaic) to put (a theory, idea, etc.) into practice, also PRACTICK.
REPACKAGINGrepackaging v. Present participle of repackage.
repackaging n. The process of packaging something again or anew.
REPACKAGE v. to package again.
SKYSCRAPINGskyscraping adj. Extremely tall; as tall as a skyscraper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 109 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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