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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, C, F, L and 2R

CALCARIFORMcalcariform adj. Having the shape of a spur.
CALCARIFORM adj. spur-shaped.
CALORIFIERScalorifiers n. Plural of calorifier.
CALORIFIER n. an apparatus for heating water in a tank.
CONFERRABLEconferrable adj. Capable of being conferred.
CONFERRABLE adj. that can be conferred.
CORALLIFORMcoralliform adj. Having the shape of coral.
CORALLIFORM adj. having the form of coral.
FRACTURABLEfracturable adj. Capable of being fractured.
FRACTURABLE adj. that can be fractured.
FRATRICIDALfratricidal adj. Of or pertaining to fratricide.
FRATRICIDAL adj. relating to fratricide.
FREELANCERSfreelancers n. Plural of freelancer.
FREELANCER n. one who works for his or her self, hiring out services, also FREELANCE.
GRACEFULLERgracefuller adj. Comparative form of graceful: more graceful.
GRACEFUL adj. having beauty of form or movement.
MACROFLORAEMACROFLORA n. (Greek) plants visible to the naked eye.
MACROFLORASmacrofloras n. Plural of macroflora.
MACROFLORA n. (Greek) plants visible to the naked eye.
MICROFLORAEmicroflorae n. Plural of microflora.
MICROFLORA n. very small plants, not visible to the naked eye.
MICROFLORALmicrofloral adj. Of or pertaining to microflora.
MICROFLORAL adj. relating to microflora, very small plants.
MICROFLORASmicrofloras n. Plural of microflora.
MICROFLORA n. very small plants, not visible to the naked eye.
OVERCAREFULovercareful adj. Excessively careful.
OVERCAREFUL adj. too careful.
PREFECTURALprefectural adj. Of, pertaining to or at the level of a prefecture.
PREFECTURAL adj. relating to a prefecture.
REFRACTABLErefractable adj. Capable of being refracted.
REFRACTABLE adj. that can be refracted.
REPROACHFULreproachful adj. Expressing or containing reproach.
reproachful adj. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base.
REPROACHFUL adj. reproving.
RESEARCHFULresearchful adj. Making researches; inquisitive.
RESEARCHFUL adj. full of research.
SCALARIFORMscalariform adj. Having the form of a ladder.
SCALARIFORM adj. shaped like a ladder.
SCALPRIFORMscalpriform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like a chisel.
SCALPRIFORM adj. shaped like a chisel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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