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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2F, N and R

AFFIRMANCESaffirmances n. Plural of affirmance.
AFFIRMANCE n. confirmation; ratification.
AFFORCEMENTafforcement n. (Obsolete) A reinforcement; a strengthening.
AFFORCEMENT n. the act of afforcing, strengthening a jury by adding skilled people.
AFFRANCHISEaffranchise v. (Transitive) To free from obligation, servitude or service.
AFFRANCHISE v. to free from slavery or similar obligation.
AFFRICATINGaffricating v. Present participle of affricate.
AFFRICATE v. to sound a consonant in this way.
AFFRICATIONaffrication n. (Phonetics, uncountable, of a consonant) Becoming an affricate sound.
affrication n. (Countable) A particular instance of such change.
AFFRICATION n. the act of making a sound affricative.
CHROMAFFINSSorry, definition not available.
CLIFFHANGERcliffhanger n. (Narratology) An ending or stopping point calculated to leave a story unresolved, in order to create suspense.
cliffhanger n. (By extension) An outcome which is awaited with keen anticipation, especially one which is delayed for…
cliff-hanger n. Alternative spelling of cliffhanger.
DIFFRACTINGdiffracting v. Present participle of diffract.
DIFFRACT v. to separate into parts.
DIFFRACTIONdiffraction n. (Physics) The bending of a wave around an obstacle.
diffraction n. (Quantum mechanics) The breaking up of an electromagnetic wave as it passes a geometric structure (e…
DIFFRACTION n. a modification which light undergoes esp. in passing by the edges of opaque bodies or through narrow openings and in which the rays appear to be deflected.
FALCONIFORMfalconiform n. (Ornithology) Any falcon of the order Falconiformes.
FALCONIFORM adj. shaped like a falcon.
SUFFERANCESsufferances n. Plural of sufferance.
SUFFERANCE n. passive tolerance, by the absence of objection rather than by express permission.
TRAFFICKINGtrafficking v. Present participle of traffic.
trafficking v. Present participle of traffick.
trafficking n. Clipping of human trafficking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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