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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, P and 2S

BACKSPACERSbackspacers n. Plural of backspacer.
BACKSPACER n. the backspace key on a typewriter.
CLOUDSCAPEScloudscapes n. Plural of cloudscape.
CLOUDSCAPE n. a view or pictorial representation of a cloud formation.
COMPACTNESScompactness n. The state of being compact.
COMPACTNESS n. the state of being compact.
CYBERSPACEScyberspaces n. Plural of cyberspace.
CYBERSPACE n. the virtual world of computers.
CYCLOSPORASSorry, definition not available.
LACTOSCOPESlactoscopes n. Plural of lactoscope.
LACTOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the purity or richness of milk.
PACIFICISMSpacificisms n. Plural of pacificism.
PACIFICISM n. opposition to war or violence, also PACIFISM.
PACIFICISTSpacificists n. Plural of pacificist.
PACIFICIST n. one who adheres to the beliefs and principles of pacifists.
POSTCLASSICpostclassic adj. After a classic period.
POSTCLASSIC adj. of or relating to a period (as in art, literature, or civilization) following a classical one, also POSTCLASSICAL.
SCAPEGRACESscapegraces n. Plural of scapegrace.
SCAPEGRACE n. an incorrigible rascal.
SCHIZOCARPSschizocarps n. Plural of schizocarp.
SCHIZOCARP n. a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones, e.g. the winged seed pod of maple trees.
SPACECRAFTSspacecrafts n. (Nonstandard) plural of spacecraft.
SPACECRAFT n. a vehicle or device designed for travel or operation outside the earth's atmosphere.
SPATCHCOCKSspatchcocks n. Plural of spatchcock.
spatchcocks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spatchcock.
SPATCHCOCK v. to split open (a fowl, eel etc.) for grilling, also SPITCHCOCK.
SPYCATCHERSspycatchers n. Plural of spycatcher.
SPYCATCHER n. a person who works in counterintelligence to detect enemy espionage activities.
SUBCOMPACTSsubcompacts n. Plural of subcompact.
SUBCOMPACT n. a small car, such as a sports car.
SUSCEPTANCEsusceptance n. (Physics) the imaginary component of the admittance of an alternating current circuit.
SUSCEPTANCE n. the imaginary part of the admittance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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