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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, B, M, O, P and R

AMBOCEPTORSamboceptors n. Plural of amboceptor.
AMBOCEPTOR n. in immunization, an antibody acting as a double receptor.
CHAMBERPOTSchamberpots n. Plural of chamberpot.
chamber␣pots n. Plural of chamber pot.
CHAMBERPOT n. a container for urine etc.
COMPRISABLEcomprisable adj. Able to be contained or classified.
COMPRISABLE adj. that can be comprised.
DROMOPHOBIADROMOPHOBIA n. a fear of crossing streets.
GERMAPHOBESgermaphobes n. Plural of germaphobe.
GERMAPHOBICgermaphobic adj. Alternative form of germophobic.
IMPROBATIONimprobation n. Disapproval.
improbation n. (Law, Scotland) The act by which falsehood and forgery are proved; an action brought for the purpose…
IMPROBATION n. in Scots law, an action for the purpose of declaring some instrument false or forged.
MEPROBAMATEmeprobamate n. (Pharmacology) A carbamate derivative used as an anxiolytic drug.
MEPROBAMATE n. a drug used, esp. formerly, as a muscle relaxant and as a sedative.
OBTEMPERATEobtemperate v. (Obsolete) To obey or to conform to the prescribed rule or law.
OBTEMPERATE v. to obey (a judgment or decree), also OBTEMPER.
PERFORMABLEperformable adj. Able to be performed.
PERFORMABLE adj. that can be performed.
PHLEBOGRAMSphlebograms n. Plural of phlebogram.
PHLEBOGRAM n. a tracing (with the sphygmograph) of the movements of a vein, or of the venous pulse.
PROBABILISMprobabilism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that, in the absence of certainty, probability is the best criterion.
probabilism n. (Theology, chiefly Catholicism) The casuistic doctrine that, in difficult matters of conscience, one…
PROBABILISM n. the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
PROBLEMATICproblematic adj. Posing a problem; having or suffering from problem(s)…
problematic adj. (Logic, dated) Only affirming the possibility that a predicate be actualised.
problematic n. (Chiefly in the plural) A problem or difficulty in a particular field of study.
PROCAMBIUMSPROCAMBIUM n. the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.
PROGRAMABLEprogramable adj. Alternative form of programmable.
PROGRAMABLE adj. that can be programmed, also PROGRAMMABLE.
SUBPROGRAMSsubprograms n. Plural of subprogram.
SUBPROGRAM n. a subpart of a program.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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