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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 2L, N and P

BATTLEPLANEbattleplane n. An airplane for military use.
BATTLEPLANE n. a plane used in war.
EXPLAINABLEexplainable adj. Able to be explained or understood.
EXPLAINABLE adj. that can be explained.
IMPLANTABLEimplantable adj. Capable of being, or designed to be, implanted (Within the body etc.).
implantable n. A device that can be implanted surgically.
IMPLANTABLE adj. capable of being implanted.
MANIPULABLEmanipulable adj. Suitable for, or able to be subjected to manipulation.
manipulable adj. Gullible or susceptible to persuasion.
MANIPULABLE adj. that can be manipulated.
PLANOBLASTSplanoblasts n. Plural of planoblast.
PLANOBLAST n. any free-swimming gonophore of a hydroid; a hydroid medusa.
PLIABLENESSpliableness n. The state of being pliable; pliability.
PLIABLENESS n. the quality of being pliable.
PLUNDERABLEplunderable adj. Which can be plundered, robbed.
plunderable adj. Which is worth plundering, promising a rich prize.
PLUNDERABLE adj. that can be plundered.
PROLONGABLEprolongable adj. Capable of being prolonged, extended, or lengthened.
PROLONGABLE adj. that can be prolonged.
SPITBALLINGspitballing v. Present participle of spitball.
SPITBALL v. to pitch a baseball where the ball has been altered by the application of saliva, petroleum jelly, or some other foreign substance.
UNFLAPPABLEunflappable adj. Remaining composed and level-headed at all times; impossible to fluster; not becoming frustrated or irritated easily.
UNFLAPPABLE adj. imperturbable.
UNFLAPPABLYunflappably adv. In an unflappable manner.
UNFLAPPABLE adv. imperturbable.
UNPALATABLEunpalatable adj. Unpleasant to the taste.
unpalatable adj. (By extension) Unpleasant or disagreeable.
unpalatable n. Anything distasteful.
UNPALATABLYunpalatably adv. In an unpalatable manner.
UNPALATABLE adv. not palatable.
UNPLACEABLEunplaceable adj. Not placeable; that cannot be placed.
UNPLAUSIBLEunplausible adj. Implausible.
UNPLAUSIBLE adj. not plausible, also IMPLAUSIBLE.
UNPLAUSIBLYunplausibly adv. In an unplausible manner.
UNPLAUSIBLE adv. not plausible, also IMPLAUSIBLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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