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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, I, O, U and V

ABSOLUTIVESabsolutives n. Plural of absolutive.
ABSOLUTIVE n. a grammatical case.
ARBOVIRUSESarboviruses n. Plural of arbovirus.
ARBOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses spread by mosquitoes.
BACCIVOROUSbaccivorous adj. (Zoology) Eating, or having a diet based on, berries.
BACCIVOROUS adj. eating berries.
BACULOVIRUSbaculovirus n. Any large rod-shaped virus of the family Baculoviridae, including the granuloviruses and nucleopolyhedroviruses.
BACULOVIRUS n. a type of virus found only to attack insects.
BEHAVIOURALbehavioural adj. (British spelling) Of or pertaining to behaviour.
BEHAVIOURAL adj. relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIORAL.
BIVOUACKINGbivouacking v. Present participle of bivouac.
BIVOUAC v. (French) to spend the night in a makeshift camp without tents etc.
OBJURGATIVEobjurgative adj. That objurgates; sharply disapproving.
OBJURGATIVE adj. chiding, scolding, also OBJURGATORY.
RHABDOVIRUSrhabdovirus n. Any of the rod-shaped viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae.
RHABDOVIRUS n. a class of virus that includes rabies.
SUBORNATIVEsubornative adj. Of or pertaining to subornation.
SUBORNATIVE adj. serving to suborn.
SUBVOCALISESUBVOCALISE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALIZE.
SUBVOCALIZEsubvocalize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To form (words or statements) in thought and express them inwardly without…
SUBVOCALIZE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALISE.
UNAVOIDABLEunavoidable adj. Impossible to avoid; bound to happen.
unavoidable adj. (Law) Not voidable; incapable of being made null or void.
unavoidable n. Something that cannot be avoided.
UNAVOIDABLYunavoidably adv. In an unavoidable manner.
UNAVOIDABLE adv. that cannot be avoided.
UNCOMBATIVEuncombative adj. Not combative.
UNCOMBATIVE adj. not combative.
VIBRACULOIDvibraculoid adj. Characteristic of a vibraculum.
VIBRACULOID adj. of or like a vibraculum, one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished, also VIBRACULAR.
VOCABULISTSvocabulists n. Plural of vocabulist.
VOCABULIST n. the writer or maker of a vocabulary; a lexicographer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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